Part 7

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Me and, Kate where sitting together on the sofa when suddenly an explosion booms from the city "we should probably deal with that" Kate says standing up and getting her bow, quiver and arrows, mom comes into the room in full suit and gear "get in the quinjet" I quickly grab my suit and run to the quinjet "what's the plan cap?" Tony says as he double taps his arc reactor making his suit form over everything but his head "hi uh yeah, what's even going on down there" Kate says raising her hand like a kid in school "the raft had a security breach early this morning causing inhanced beings to be released and now there wreaking havock" cap says "here's the plan, Tony your going to take down any airborne men while Clint and Kate attack from above, Pete and thor will work on getting any trapped civilians into a safe place until the fight ends, me and Nat will take the ground forces" we all agree with our jobs. We soon arrive at the city and land in the middle of the chaos, I take kates hand in mine and give it a reassuring squeeze "see ya" I say as the door opens and we all rush out except Bruce who was a back up plan if all else fails. Thor flies into the air as I use my webs like a catapult to fling myself up a building. I climb through a building and find a kid stuck under some rubble, I use my webs to lift it enough for me to pull the kid out from under the destruction, i try helping him up but he falls and says "I think my leg might be broken" I pick him up and swing him to a safe part of the city. I use my lenses to scan for any life-forns and see that there was no one else so I swing down to help mom and Steve "hey, mind if I join in?" I say webbing two people's heads and slamming them together, I dodge a kick from a guy but he grabs onto my chest and uses his powers to throw me away, just as I'm about to make impact with a wall I feel Tony catch me "you need to be more careful kiddo" he says as he lowers me down into the fight.


Me and Clint where firing arrows from the corner of a building "Kate catch!" Clint says chucking me a arrow that said "shock arrow" on it, I shot it into the crowd that stood before us, it shocked a small group of people but didn't knock any of them out "shit" I muttered to myself before deciding I had enough and  jumped down into the fight, I seeped the leg of a guy who was charging straight at me and stomped on his head to finish him off, cap threw his shield at a wall which ricocheted and hit three guys in the head which knocked them out, I shot an arrow at a group that was surrounding Nat which split up into multiple smaller arrows which took out all but one of the group "thor, a hand would be nice" Tony said as he was being overwhelmed by flying goons who were trying to rip his arc reactor out "aye, on my way" (FYI aye is another word for yes or yeah) he said as he summoned some lightning around Tony which shocked the goons but powered up Tony's suit "guys, get down!" he said before firing a massive unibeam at the ground which took out load of guys "hey Kate, you OK?" Pete asks webbing a guy to a lamp post and kicking him "I'm good, you?" I say punching a guy who was trying to grab me "me? I'm doing just fi- agh" he's interrupted by someone who shot some kinda energy blast which caused him to go flying into a bin. I run after him to see if he's ok "I take it back I'm not fine" he says taking my hand as he climbs out of the bin "I'd kiss you but you smell like shit" I say shooting an arrow behind me (without looking) which hit a guy "fair enough" we are interrupted by Tony who said "hey lovebirds pay attention were almost done" I slide on the ground which tripped some people up giving Pete a chance to web them down. Someone grabbed me and pinned me to a wall, he was about to choke me out but Nat shot a bullet at him which killed him. Tony picked up a chunk of rubble and threw it at a guy who was trying to attack cap. A guy grabbed me while I wasn't looking and kicked my leg which made me trip and hit my head. "guys I have an idea" Tony says as he stops fighting and retracts his helmet "I think I can break off parts of my suit and make them into small cages for the remaining guys until the police come and sort this out, but I'll need someone to catch me once all of my suit is gone" I see parts of his nanotech suit break off and form around the remaining goons until they are all contained. I see Pete make some kinda Web trampoline so when Tony falls he doesn't die. He lands in the centre of the Web and is fine "uh Pete, I can't get out" he says trying to move but the webs keep him in place "sorry, I'll get you out now" Pete says ripping his webs off Tony. We all head back and sit down and enjoy the calmbess after the hectic day we all had.


Me and Kate where chilling on the sofa watching whatever was on TV when Fridays voice fills the room "there's aomeone at the entrance who requests someone to come down. After a minute of everyone discussing who should go down I stand up and go down stairs while saying "ill go just stop bickering" I walk down the stairs and open the door to see a blonde woman standing in front of me "h-hi, who are you?" I say letting her walk in but being cautious around her at all times "that doesn't matter now, do you know if my sister is here?" she says in a thick Russian accent "your sister, who do you mean?" I say standing in front of her "surely you know natasha right?" she said as I lean against the wall "y-yeah uh course I do" I say trying to be calm "Pete Конфетка are you OK?" I heard mom's voice come through the door "I'm fine mom, someone's here for you, they claim to be your sister" I say slowly backing away from the blonde woman who had a look of surprise at what I referred to Nat as Mom "what!?" she says walking through and looking at the blonde lady with tears in her eyes "lena?" she says walking closer to her "good to see you too" she said as they both hug "mom, what's going on?" I say as they stop hugging "this is my sister, yelena" she says as if she's a game show presenter introducing the contestants "before we introduce each other can we get one thing cleared up, you keep calling her mom, what's that about?" yelena said as mom starts to speak "remember 23 years ago when that man in the red room Изнасиловал me, that was before they sterilised me after I escaped a man came up to me and invited me to his home since I had fallen asleep on a pavement, after I entered his home I found out I was pregnant so I stayed with the man and his wife until my child was born but 1 week after his birth, the red room attacked, took me and sterilised me while they killed the husband and wife, I assume she contacted a family freind to care for Peter since I was gone, when Tony introduced us to spider man and he revealed his identity I knew it was my son and now here we are" yelena looked stunned while also looking at me with awe "wait so I've had a nephew and never knew he existed till just now!?" she said in shock as all of her defensive traits broke and she hugged me "ill protect you uh...Peter" I returned the hug and whispered "I love you aunt lena"

Sorry if this chapter seemed a bit all over the place but look yelena's here so I hope that's good compensation for a mediocre chapter. Anyway leave your ideas in the comments.

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