Chapter 5

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I ended up being the last to join them at the dinning table the following morning, well because I slept late.

Immediately Amna came to wake me up to tell me that they were all waiting for me I felt so embarrassed.

Why did they have to wait for me though.

I walked into the dining room to see everyone already seated.

Aunty Sa'adatu and Ya Khalifa gave warm smiles while Ya Muhammad gave me a disapproving glance.

How is he here looking fresh? He also slept late, later than I fact how do I even know if he slept or not, but what is bothering me is how he managed to look so well rested while I'm out here looking like a mess.

I took my seat and I greeted everyone before we started eating.

Aunty sa'adatu looked up from her plate to smile at me and I smiled back.

"So how are you enjoying Abuja so far?" She asked me

Three pair of eyes all turned to me, waiting to hear my response considering yesterday's experience.

It was obvious Aunty Sa'adatu didn't know and I also wished to keep it that way.

I smiled "good, Alhamdulillah"

She smiled before nodding contently.

After the breakfast Ya Muhammad left for work.

Ya Khalifa and Amna didn't have lectures till the afternoon so the house was still full.

I picked up my plate and I took it to the kitchen when I felt a presence behind me.

I turned to see Ya Khalifa, I smiled at him.

He smiled back, before it flattered a little "Manal I'm so so sorry about yesterday, it was completely my fault"

My eyes widened before I quickly shook my head "no Wallahi it wasn't"

"Don't say that, I should have taken you along with me"

"But you didn't know it was going to happen" I whispered back.

He sighed "How do I make it up to you?"

I stared at him, not knowing was to say.

"Get her ice cream, it always helps during an apology" Amma said coming up behind ya Khalifa.

"Was I talking to you, are you Manal?" He asked.

She rolled her eyes, standing next to me "you want ice cream, right Manal?"

When I was silent she poked my side making me smile "say yes"

I turned to look at him "yes"

He smiled "alright, that's all?"

I nodded.

"I'll get you ice cream" He said before turning to walk away.

"Yay!" Amna said beside me.

He turned to give her a glare "why are you you getting excited, did I say you're included?"

"Ha'an, ban ganeh ba" (I don't understand)

"Ai zaki ganeh nan kusa kuwa sabodda bar dakeh" he said (well you will understand soon enough because you're not included)

She followed him and they continued arguing until I couldn't hear their voices anymore

I chuckled at them. 

I was about to leave the kitchen when aunty Sa'adatu came in.

She smiled at me as always before she spoke "I was thinking" she said which made my full attention turn to her.

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