Chapter 20

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After a very long day of shopping with Aunty Saadatu we finally arrived back home at 5 pm.

We first went to the market to buy provisions for the house.

Then form there aunty Saadatu took i and Amna to shop for kayan sallah...Sallah is in like 3 months.

I was surprised on how early they shop for kayan sallah but Amna said it's better to do it early and keep it to avoid tailor's disappointment.

But what if you add weight or something? Well you can always get it fixed so I guess it's fine.

Amna then made us stop at a shop in a plaza near the house because she wanted to buy a few gowns for
School, from there Aunty Sa'adatu decided to buy me a whole new wardrobe of clothes, i couldn't stop thanking her.

I and Amna were going to go to the counter to pay for the dozens of clothes when Aunty Sa'adatu dragged me back and sent Amna to pay alone.

I sat back on the chair next to her and i faced her.

"We never got to speak about what happened yesterday because I understood that you needed some time for yourself, what both Amna and Muhammad did yesterday was unacceptable and I apologize." I was about to stop her from apologizing but she held her hand up to stop me before she continued.

"What Muhammad said to you yesterday was wrong to say to anyone, especially someone like you, I've known you all your life Manal and I know you're the opposite of that type of person so I know it hurt for you to hear those words, I'm sorry on his behalf, he's the one that should be apologizing but I know the type of son I have, he will hardly ever apologize, with actions definitely, but never with words."

"It's fine Aunty, bakomai Wallahi, I understood that he was upset" I replied.

"Toh shikenan, kiyi haquri kinji? Allah ya miki albarka" she replied.

"Ameen" I murmured.

I sighed and I stood up to go to Amna because I felt awkward sitting there after the conversation.

I saw some shoes that my sister was talking about for a long timee.

My eyes bulged when I saw the price.

79,000?? Damn, they might as well just round it up to 80

I chuckled to myself, she better keep dreaming because those shoes aren't coming anytime soon.

I decided to take a picture and send it to her to tease her but my phone was dead.

I walked to amna "Amna can I please borrow your phone ? I'll like to take a picture of something."

She showed me both her hands.

I frowned in confusion.

"Seized, every single device, by Ya Muhammad, I'm grounded, for a month" she said.

I gaped at her, isn't that a little bit too harsh?

It was as if she read my mind "you're probably thinking it's harsh...well, considering he gave me a final warning last week when I came back a bit late, and also with the fact that I did it again and then i made him shout out you by low-key framing you then not really, I kinda deserve it, oh also, I'm not allowed to go out for a month too, no going out unless it's an outing like this one with mama and school, but don't worry, I'll be fine, it's about time I clear out my Netflix list anyway" she said with a sigh.

She'll not be fine. It's Amna we're talking about, that girl survives on her phone and going out with her friends.

"He's anxious about coming back late because...that's how he lost his wife." she whispered to me

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