Chapter 23

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The hotel apartment we checked into had three rooms, Ya Muhammad took one, I took one and the twins were given the room with the twin beds. 

I did my prayers which I missed immediately we arrived and the moment I started sleeping, I didn't care what the time was.

I was woken up by the sound of loud knocks on the door.

I put on my hijab and I opened the door to see ya Muhammad on the other side.

"Come eat, the food is here" he said before walking away.

I blinked and i closed the door.

With a sigh I went to my suitcase and I bought out my toilet bag, i brushed my teeth and I washed my face before going to the living room where Alim was jumping on the couch and Alina was laying by her father's feet, crying her lungs out.

Oh Gosh.

When Alim saw me he giggled before he ran to me to give me a hug. I leaned down to hug him back, having no energy to pick him up, Instead I pinched his cheek.

"Aunty Manal!" Alina shrieked from the floor.

I flinched.

"Yess?" I replied as I dragged Alim to wash his hands in the sink in the kitchen.

"Tell daddy to let us go to the park" she cried.


Bai ji ki ba Sai ni zai ji?

What do I even reply her with?

"Daddy probably has a reason" I said to her, ignoring the said person in question who was ignoring all of our existences.

"he does not!" She said as she cried harder.

I came out of the kitchen with plates in my hands and Alim tagging behind me.

"Did you tell him please?" I asked her.

"Should I serve you the food?" I asked him.

He shook his head no.


"I said please!" She said.

"Ok stop crying, if you don't stop crying and you don't come eat he won't agree" I said.

Her cries immediately seized.

She stood up from the ground and she wiped her tears before waddling to me.

She sat on the chair in the dining and I served them the rice and chicken from the take out containers on each of their plates.

I saw the park she was talking about when we were coming in.

It was just a small park area with swings and slides, a small walking distance away from the hotel.

I walked towards him "umm can I take them to the park later on?"

He tilted his head to the side in my direction, his eyes still on the device on his hands  "will you be able to handle them?"

Will I?

"Yes" I replied

He stood up "Alright, I have somewhere to be"

"Ok" I mumbled.

He said bye to the twins and Alim replied with a smile and Alina with a frown.

He walked out of the doors.

I sighed as I turned to look at the two children who blinked back at me.

This is going to one long day...

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