Chapter 11

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Zara arrived a few hours ago and...well she's a very...interesting person.

Ok let me be frank with you I do not like her.

When Amna was complaining about her before she arrived I thought it was just Amna being Amna but Zara is actually a bitch.

First of all, she ignored me when I said hi at the door together with Amna, but she did reply Amna, she even gave her a hug.

I didn't know people gave attitudes to someone they didn't even know?

But I just convinced myself that she didn't hear me, but I was a hundred and one percent sure that she did.

And two, when I and Amna helped her with her bags and Amna went out of the room to get the second one Zara rudely asked "who the hell are you?"

Now who on earth does that?? So I replied "a guest, you?"  I didn't wait for reply before I walked out of the room.

Well so far she hasn't met Ya Muhammad yet.

And I'm not going to lie I have joined Ya Khalifa and Amna on their excitement for the 'drama'.

I, Aunty Saadatu, Amna and two other maids were in the kitchen making dinner.

Aunty Sa'adatu's husband was finally coming back from his trip, I'm clocking two weeks in this town and I've not seen him since I arrived.

When we were done I and one of the maids Habiba, took the food to the table.

A few minutes before Maghrib their dad arrived.

After everyone prayed Maghrib we all went to the dining for-dinner as usual.

"Ina wuni" I said as I squatted towards the ground to greet their dad.

"Ah ah Manal, Yakike?" He smiled. (How are you?)

I always liked Aunty Saadatu's husband, he is a good man and I always admired them because they were a perfect match, two kind hearted people.

"Lafiya qalau Alhamdulillah, ya hanya?" I asked. (I'm good Alhamdulillah, how was the journey?)

"Alhamdulillah, Toh ya Abuja? Zafi koh?" He asked. (So how's Abuja? It's hot right ?)

I laughed "eh gaiskiya ba laifi" (Yeah, its ok)

"Toh sannun ki da zuwa" he said (ok Welcome)

"Ah ah, Kai fa za ah wa sannu da zuwa, ita ta riga ta zama er gida Kai Kuma yanzu kakeh iso wa?" Aunty Saadatu said from her seat at the right side of him (You're the one that is supposed to be welcomed, she's already a member of this house, and you you're just arriving)

We laughed before I sat down at the seat next to the chair at other edge of the table away from where they were to give respect in case any of their children preferred to sit next to their parents.

Later on the rest came in, Ya Muhammad sat down at the other edge of the table, so he and his father were opposite each other, they were at the two heads of the tables, and with my terrible luck I ended up seating beside him.

Alina and Alim sat down next to their grandpa, Alina had to make Aunty Saadatu move so they were seated on either side of him.

Amna sat next to me and Ya Khalifa sat opposite me.

Dinner started and I was about to take my first bite when I remembered I forgot the salad in the fridge.

I excused myself to go get the salad and as I came back Zara was arriving in the dining in front of me.

Where the hell was she? I completely forgot about her and from the look on everyone's face they did too, because Aunty Saadatu would have not let dinner start without everyone who was home being present on the table.

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