Chapter 26

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"Alina no!" I said as I jogged after her to grab her hand.

She had removed her hand out of my grip to go chase a man selling balloons, she had successfully caught his attention by the time I reached them.

Ya Muhammad who was holding Alim's hand came up behind us and he handed the man some cash and he asked for two balloons.

A pink one a blue one.

The man started to look for change in his pockets.

"Don't worry" Ya Muhammad said to him before holding both of his children's hands and walking ahead.

I felt embarrassed, what if he thinks I can't even control her from running away from me.

I moved my feet to follow after them.

Today was our last full day in Turkey, and the twins insisted we go for yawo, with a lot of pushing from their part their dad agreed.

So here we are walking through the busy streets of Istanbul.

We had finished having lunch in the cute cafe and we were walking to a mall nearby because Ya Muhammad wanted to get something.

We arrived into the mall and Ya Muhammad went straight towards a pharmacy

A pharmacy? Is he sick?

He released the twin's hands as they went in and they slowly tagged along their dad.

I didn't know what I would be looking at in a pharmacy so I chose to stay at the entrance of the pharmacy, im sure he won't take long.

My eyes lingered around the mall, it was really really beautiful.

I brought out my phone to take a few pictures for Ummi.

She called me last night through my mom's WhatsApp to scold me for not sending any pictures, she said from then on I had to send a picture of everything I do to her.

And that's what I had been doing.

After I took about three to four pictures I dropped the phone back in my bag.

A store caught my attention. It seemed to be a designer store, they were selling bags, shoes and other accessories.

There was bag showcased through the large glass window.

It was large to medium sized tote/hand bag, dark blue with pink stripes, it was so beautiful and it looked perfect for school.

My eyes lingered down to the price boldly written on a sign under it.

I almost lost my balance.

What on earth? That much for a bag? What is it made out of? Diamonds???

My eyes went downwards to see the 'LIMITED EDITION' sign boldly written under the price.

Has to be! Because what?

I looked away from the bag because the more I looked at it the more baffled I'll be.

I looked back to see Ya Muhammad and the twins a few feet away from me, I didn't hear them coming because I was busy ogling the store.

He looked at me for a few seconds before gesturing with his head we go.

He walked ahead and he walked directly into the store I was looking at with the twins following behind him, they disappeared into the men's section.

I didn't want to seem like a fool just tagging along so I decided to walk around the store to feed my eyes.

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