Chapter 50

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Today is Sunday.

I came out of the shower and I was in my bathrobe.

Moisturizing my feet again because they get dry so fast as I grumbled in annoyance, my period making me moody for no reason.

The knock came on my door and I tightened the knot in my bathrobe before picking up a random veil and opening the door, only pushing my head out.

"Ina kwana" I said.

"It's Afternoon, Ina yini" he corrected.

"Ina yini" I murmured.

"Come horse riding with me" he said.

Last time it was him declining and now it's him asking me to go with him. Life is funny.

And besides I don't want to go, I don't need him closing off and making me more upset than I already am by giving me the silent treatment by just mentioning a horse's name.

I know I'm giving him the silence treatment but that doesn't mean he can too!

I forced myself to say the next words despite the loud beating of my heart because that's just something I won't normally say, it was giving me anxiety.

"I don't want to" I said, looking away from him.

And apparently that was when he had enough.

He pushed the door wider, causing me to stumble back a bit, he walked in and he closed the door shut behind him.

"Manal." he said.

I swallowed.

"This isn't entertaining to me, I know I've wronged you, I want to make things right, I want you to act normal, for the sake of the children at least, but if you keep behaving like this then how am I meant to do that? I've wronged you and I've apologized,
you need to understand I was also lied to, by multiple people and I'm sorry for that, stop acting like this...please."

I appreciated how he kept his voice low, because if it had raised to even a single octave I would gone on a crying fit. I didn't know what was wrong with me this days, my emotions were all over the place you would think I'm 8 months pregnant.

He gazed down at me trying to figure out my emotions as his eyes examined my face,even I didn't know how I was feeling.

"Did that make you upset?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Alright, it's not a problem if you don't want to come with me, but please, stop this Manal."

He didn't wait for my reply and he left the room.

I blinked at the closed door after he walked out.

Should I....


But it's enough, he has a point, I can't keep being angry at him forever, and the twins also can't keep seeing me giving their father an attitude.

I huffed as I went back into the closet to find something to wear.

I was buttoning up the top button of my abaya when I heard his door closing.

I rushed to the door and I opened it up, he was on the first staircase when he heard me, he turned to look at me as I walked up to him.

He didn't allow me to speak before he spoke up "You said you've forgiven me, Have you really forgiven me?" He asks

I nodded.

"Then stop acting like this, will you?" He asks again.

I blinked up at him a few times before i nodded.

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