Chapter 9

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One day in and I was already reminded how much I hated school.

I was convinced the sun was on a mission to grill me alive.

It was soooo hot.

I managed to find a bench under the shade and I sighed in relief.

And I stupidly wore a black Abaya today, it made the heat much more unbearable.

I took on of the random papers in my bag and I began to fan myself, one more lecture and I'm done for the day.

Sadly, as the loner I was I didn't make any friends on my first day.

Well unless you count the guy in front of me who I was asking about the assessment that the teacher was talking about.

We said hi to each other after the class.

Apart from that, nada.

I let out another breath and a familiar squeal caught my attention, I turned behind me to see Amna.

A friend of hers looked at me which made amna look in my direction.

She let out another squeal.

I chuckled in amusement.


"Amna!" I said trying to match her enthusiasm but it was almost impossible because of how jolly she always was.

"Why are you sitting alone? When's your next class?" She asked.

"In like an hour" I said.

She gasped "there's still time, cmon let's go!"

"Where are we going?" I asked her.

"To go find food"

She introduced me to her friends and we exchanged greetings.

We separated to go choose what we were going to eat  and we met back at the table after a few minutes. 

We were in the middle of having lunch mid way conversation when one of the girls eho I think is named sadiya nudged Amna.

"Your brother" she said with a smirk.

Because I was born a nosy person I also turned together with Amna to look.

It was Ya Khalifa, he was sitting with a girl on a chair under a tree.

Another girl?? What happened to his girlfriend from yesterday?

It was like Amna heard my thoughts.

"Ai aikin shi kenan, kulum da sabuwan yarinya" she hissed rolling her eyes (Thats his only job, everyday he's with a new girl)

I chuckled.

"You better go get your man, see how babes dey steal am" Sadiya said to the girl in the blue abaya next to her, Nabeela.

My eyebrows raised a little for a second, her 'man'?

Nabeela eyed her up before she continued eating with out saying a word.

In between the three new girls I've figured she's the less friendly one, I don't know if it's me or if she's like that, but from how quiet she's been I guess that's just how she is.

Amna probably saw the confused look on my face because she spoke up "Nabeela has a huge crush on Ya Khalifa."

Nabeela groaned next to Sadiya.

It dawned on me that she didn't like being the topic of discussion but whether it was true or not, her friends didn't care because they continue speaking.

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