Chapter 7

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"Aunty Manal" I heard a soft voice call from the door.

I looked up to see a tiny body at the door.

"Hi Alim!" I said dropping a novel that Amna gave me from my hands.

"How are you?" I said as he waddled forward.


He's so adorable!

My baby fever was kicking in.

"How was school?" I asked.


I chuckled before picking him up and placing him on the bed next to me, realizing how small he was for his age.

Is their nanny sure about his age? He looked at least 2 not 3.

"Where's daddy?" He asked.

I didn't know why he was asking me specifically but I answered.

"He's coming soon"

He kept quiet for some moments, I thought he wasn't going to speak.

When I turned to him it looked like he was contemplating whether to say it or not.

I smiled to urge him.

"You said Alina, daddy home when Alina eat"

It took me a second to register his words, when I did I smiled, he was paying attention.

I told Alina her dad wouldn't come back if she doesn't eat, she ate and their dad isn't back, so now he's looking for answers from me.

You know what, fair enough.

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

I opened up my mouth to explain only to hear Alina's cheers.

Their dad was back.

He turned to me with the biggest smile I've seen from him.

I helped him get down the bed and he was quick to run off.

They really loved their dad.

A thought that has been lingering on my mind for a while came back again.

Where is their mother? I didn't even know Ya Muhammad had children until yesterday.

After their arrival it sank in to me that my mom and sister came for a wedding in this family 4 years ago.

I didn't know the bride nor the groom but my brain cells could comprehend that it was Ya Muhammad and the twin's mother's wedding.

But where is she? Out of town? Divorced?......dead?

I pursed my lips, this is none of my business.

No one speaks about her, so they probably want it that way.

I was brought out of my thoughts from a knock by the door.

I looked up thinking it will be Alim again only to see a bigger Alim, his uncle.

He smiled "dinner, let's go"

I smiled, nodding before standing up and following him.


We had to wait a few minutes at the dinning table for Ya Muhammad to arrive before dinner started.

One thing I noticed about this family was that, everyone had to be present before they started eating.

I liked that, in my family no one really cared, immediately food is ready Ummi will attack it from the pot before I even get to serve it in the coolers.

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