Chapter 4

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Third Person's POV.

Muhammad walked into the house with his jaw clenched, he knew exactly why it hurt him more than it should to see that filthy man try to take advantage of that Poor girl.


The resemblance she had to Afrah was way too much.

Despite that he was disappointed in his brother.

How can he leave a young lady alone in such a place like that?

If not for him showing up in time only Allah knows what would have happened.

The barbing shop happened to be owned by his close friend Aminu.

He came to see him to pay his condolences after his house was robbed, and just as he was about to leave, he passed the waiting room to see what was happening.

At first he walked in to help an unknown innocent lady.

Until he realized that he knew that innocent lady, It was the same girl his mother had introduced to him that morning.

He couldn't quite remember her name at that time but he did recognize her.

So he was quick to throw that man off her and teach him a lesson.

He sound of the footsteps of his brother Khalifa behind him brought him out of his thoughts and he turned around.

The hot glance that was thrown at khalifa made him quickly loook away from Muhammad.

"What were you thinking? yaza ka barta ita kadai ah wajan banyan kasan duk maza neh ah wajen" (how can you leave her alone in that place when you know it's filled with men?)

"Ya Muhammad-"

"Keep quiet! Whatever your Excuse is she was your responsibility and you were wrong"

Khalifa, bit his lip as he nodded, agreeing to Muhammad's words.

"I won't tell mama saboda magana ta riga ta wuche, ba sai an daga mata hankali ba..ka tafi" He told Khalifa (because the issue has already passed and there's no use making her worried...leave)

Khalifa walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Muhammad sighed, loosening his tie before walking towards his side table to pick up a frame.

He brushed his thumb over the person in the picture that was so dear to him as she looked back at him with a grin.


Manal's POV.

I sighed as I kept moving back and forth on the bed.

I couldn't sleep, maybe because it was my first night here and I wasn't used to the bed or the environment.

I had been thirsty for the past hour but I was too scared to go to the kitchen to go get water.

It was about two am.

I sighed again as I sat up, deciding to put on my big girl pants on, Ummi would laugh at me and say something along the lines of me being scared about something as little as this at my sour age.

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