Chapter 16

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I sat there outside the office as I heard soft voices coming from inside for about 30 minutes straight.

I made a promise to myself to always stay in the car.

It wasn't like I was hurt or anything, I mean duh! I'm not their mother or his wife, but it was just because of how awkward it'll be now, and Ya Muhammad looked so distant after the woman had said that.

They came out after the thirty minutes was up and Alina and Alim came out with huge smiles on their faces.

When Alim noticed I was sitting there his eyes lit up and he ran to me before giving me a hug.

I almost awwed out loud, I love this little boy so much.

"Hi" he said to me.

"Hello Alim" I said before pressing a kiss to his forehead.

I could feel a glance on me and I looked up to see Ya Muhammad throwing an irritated glare my way.

I don't know why but it scared me and I was quick to move away from Alim.

Alim frowned at my actions but nevertheless he smiled back at me after I gave him one.

Oh no.

The ride back home was silent, only Alina telling her brother about the story she read in class and he was replying with short answers.

We arrived back home and I helped pick up their lunch boxes, Immediately I went into the house Kausar was quick to collect them from me.

"Manal" I heard as I walked deeper into the house. 

I turned my neck to look at Ya Muhammad who was behind me.

I stoped walking and I completely turned my body to face him "Na'am?"

He moved closer until I was scared he was going to bump into me, he stopped a step or two away from me.

"Do me a favor" he said.

I frowned at him, unable to control my facial expression.

"Keep your distance from Alim" he said, his soft tone a contrast to the heaviness the words he had just uttered contained. He said that looking at me directly in the eye before he turned around and he walked out of the house to their part of the house, the door behind him closed with a bang.

I stood there for about 4 minutes processing or at least trying to process what he had said.

If you ask me why that had made me so upset I swear I wouldn't know, all I know is that I went back to my room and I cried for 30 minutes straight.

Why would he say that?? I was very fond of that boy and we lived under the same roof so how could I possibly ignore him??

it's not like I can go against what he wants since he's his father and he doesn't want me around his son but WHY would he do that to me??

After I've dried my tears, I finally called back my sister, she could sense that there was something wrong with me but I denied it. I laid back on the bed after speaking to her and I entered what you would call some kind of mini depression.

I heard soft knocks on the closed door and I was about to say come in until I heard a voice say "Aunty Manal?"

I knew that voice too well, it was Alim.

That made my tears come back.

One thing about Alim is that he'll never come into the room until you say 'come in', so when he got tired of knocking he left.

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