Chapter 27

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"My babiesss!" Amna squealed in front of us as she rushed to hug the twins, they met her halfway, crashing into her arms.

Ya Khalifa who was behind her chuckled as he walked towards them to see his niece and nephew.

We had just came out of the arrival doors at the airport and Amna and Ya Khalifa were right in front of us waiting.

We were back in Abuja.

About 5 hours before our flight departed we had checked out of the hotel to go to the hospital to see their grandpa one last time.

The entire process was so emotional because I couldn't fathom that this could possibly be the last time they'll probably see him, the entire situation plus the fact that I also lost my grandfather less than a year ago was making me emotional, the moment their grandma started crying I couldn't help but let the waterworks start.

I didn't even know these people but I couldn't help but feel sorry for their family.

That was how their grandma, I and Laila softly cried as the twins hugged their grandfather, Ya Muhammad who was behind us awkwardly tried to confront us as I felt him softly squeeze my shoulder. 

The old man was much weaker than two days ago when we came, despite that, that warm smile was still on his face despite the oxygen mask as he weakly raised his arms to hug his grandchildren.

We spent an hour and a half in the hospital before we reluctantly had to leave to catch our flight.

The situation at the hospital had downed us all, the twins who probably didn't even understand the seriousness of the situation also seemed sad, maybe because they saw us crying.

Since the hospital this was the first time I saw them smile widely, as they hug their aunt and uncle.

Ya Khalifa looked up at Ya Muhammad and I with a smile.

He walked up to us and he shook his brother's hand first before giving him a short side hug.

He turned to me with a grin.

"Princess" he breathed out.

I couldn't contain my grin "Ya Khalifa"

He moved forward before wrapping an arm around me.

It took me by surprise before I slowly hugged him back.

I felt Ya Muhammad tense beside me.

"I missed you" Ya Khalifa whispered to me.

"I missed you too" I whispered softly to him, nervous and embarrassed that Ya Muhammad would hear.

I don't know why it made me nervous, but it did.

He gave me one final squeeze before letting me go.

He didn't even say anything else before Amna shoved him away and engulfing me in a bear hug.

I giggled before hugging her back.

"My baby! I missed you so so so much" she said as she placed a huge kiss on the side of my head.

Amna and her excessive jolliness, I laughed as we finally let go of each other.

"She's lying! She means she missed your phone because you're the only one who actually willingly gives her" Ya Khalifa said.

"Dalla chan! Instigator!" Amna scowled at her brother.

The both us laugh at her. She moved to go hug her oldest brother next.

The twins were just standing there staring at us with grins on their faces so I moved and I held their hands as Ya Khalifa collected the trolley from Ya Muhammad as Amna tried to chop off the latter's ears with her chatter.

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