Chapter 3

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When I looked up I saw the person I least expected to see beating the hell out of the guy.

Aunty Sa'adatu's older son?

The one I saw this morning, Ya Muhammad?


Ya Muhammad?????

What on earth was going on, what was he doing here??

And most importantly...he's going to kill the guy!

He finally released him after he gave him one last punch on his jaw.

He moved away as he left the man panting harshly on the ground.

As for me...I stay there paralyzed still leaned on the wall.

My lips parted and my eyes wide as I watched the scene unfold in front of me.

A staff of the shop came in and Ya Muhammad pointed at the man and the staff nodded before he walked towards the man to get him to his feet.

He turned to look at me.

I felt like that was my cue to run from the look in his eyes but run and go where?

I didn't even do anything but the way he was looking at me terrified me to the point where I had to stop to think if I was the one at fault.

His movement paused my thoughts as he walked forward before he held my arm in a strong grip before dragging me out of the room, and out of the place..and down the stairs...well he didn't release me until we reached his car.

He opened the backseat and I entered before he entered the driver's seat.

And that was when my waterworks came back to life.

How I managed to hold the tears till the car...I don't know.

How I didn't cry when the man was choking me....I don't know.

Why I chose to cry now...I don't know.

"How the hell did you end up here?" He asked.

I couldn't speak, I was trying to stop my tears.

I've never in my whole life experienced anything like that, I believed everything was just sinking in at once and it shook me to the core.

"Will you stop crying and tell me what on earth you were doing here!"

I flinched as my body silently shook "I-..I came with Ya-Khal-..Ya Khalifa"

"Khalifa?, is inside the place?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Don't nod at me, use your words"


I watched as he brought out his phone and he dialed a number, he called it before placing it on speaker.

"Hello?" Ya Khalifa's voice said.

"Come downstairs" Ya Muhammad said.

"I'm not at home" Ya Khalifa said.

"Na sani"

"Okayy.. but wait I'm looking for Manal, I'll come down when I find her"

"She's with me"

"Huh?...ok Toh...I'm coming"

Ya Muhammad ended the call.

I kept trying to wipe away my tears but they kept falling.

I knew it annoyed Ya Muhammad that's why I've been trying to make them stop but no! Niagara Falls decided it was going to migrate to my eyes today.

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