Chapter 4; Alaric

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I remember it so vividly, it's always the pain that I remember; the shooting pain starting right from my heart it spreads all over my body leaving me paralysed in agony, my memories of her those few that I cherish I have buried but the pain that overwhelms me is something that I cannot seem to lose. It's not my pain it's my wolf's, the memories are mine to forget, but the pain is my wolfs and like everything else we struggle through it together. She may have been my soul mate but the mere months I knew her, the heartbreak of losing my family is always worse, well for me it was, your wolf always feels the connection stronger so for him he lost his world when she died.

A loud knock shakes me from thoughts that I have long buried deep inside of myself ''come in'' I call out with a tired sigh ''Alpha'' my beta approaches with caution. ''What is it?'' I ask with slight annoyance, his heart beat is quite erratic meaning I'm not going to like what he's about to say, I brace myself and try to keep my anger in check ''well...'' he begins, sighing he takes a seat and tries again ''it seems like we have a problem.''

''what'' I grit out, he may be my beta and one of my oldest friends, but I'm not a patient man ''just spit it out already!'' I bark out once I see he hasn't made a move to explain this 'problem'.

''One of our younger wolves seems to think that he's found his mate.'' He says cautiously sitting at the edge of his seat, waiting to bolt. Why on earth would that be any problem, younger wolves finding their mate within their own pack is usually something thought of as lucky, the wolf wouldn't need to leave his/her pack. I look at him in disbelief ''well I'm absolutely thrilled for the pup but why is this any sort of problem, was he rejected?'' I ask suddenly feeling sympathy for the pup, rejection has only taken place a handful of times, though I haven't seen it first hand and I've been Alpha for almost a decade.

''No not rejected, he caught scent of her he's adamant that she's his mate and also that she's human.'' My beta Nicholas says with caution. Having a human mate is actually not as uncommon as it sounds in fact we have about twenty wolves that are mated to humans in this very pack. ''This isn't the first time a wolf has been mated to a human; it's hardly something that you had to make a big deal about. Tell the pup to woo his human; she'll accept him the bond would have already formed by then.'' I say with much less force, the pup is probably scared of rejection; you have to be very cautious when it comes to human mate or not we can't risk exposure.

''Alpha that isn't the main issue......''

''Well what is it'' I snap at my annoying beta, this is getting ridiculous, I need to breathe I don't want to shift out of anger the last time that happened I accidently destroyed my office. My wolf took over and the rest is a lost memory, all I know is that I had to replace all my office furniture and Nicolas supported nasty looking bruises for almost a week, even with Lycan healing.

''He tried following her scent but it disappeared, he somehow got a name and address'' he says still looking a little unsure about whether he should continue or not.

''AND??'' I ask with a tired sigh.

''His mate is smack in the middle of dark shadow territory'' he blurts out all in one breathe, Just great I let out another deep sigh my days just keep on getting better, I hate having to deal with other packs, I don't need to befriend any of the damn alphas because you never know who you will need to go to war against, its better they stay acquaintances rather then become friends.

''Alpha we'll need to contact alpha Belmonte to discuss details and...'' Nicholas trails off, I realise what he's trying to say and my anger spikes ''I'm going to have to accompany this pup'' I say through gritted teeth, this is ridiculous I do not have time for this, I could just send Nicholas, though that would probably be seen as highly disrespectful.

''Yes Alpha it could take a while for the 'pup' to get acquainted with his mate, so I don't think you'll have to stay for his entire visit. It would also be a good opportunity to strengthen ties with the Belmonte's.'' It seems like for once my beta is actually saying something useful ''I suppose, I'll get in touch with Derek, and call the pup to my office'' I order still slightly pissed about this whole ordeal.

''yes Alpha'' he agrees fleeing my office as though it was on fire.

After only minutes of silence I'm yet again disturbed by a knock, ''come in'' I call out rather harshly, the door opens slowly revealing a pup no older than 18, '''yes'' I say with a glare, what does he need, this better be important.

''Uh alpha, Beta Nicholas said you wanted a word'' the pup stutters out, oh okay that was rather quick, good job Nicholas, not so useless after all.

''Ah yes, I'm going to get in touch with Alpha Belmonte and we are going to find that mate of yours.'' I say softening my tone a little.

''Thank you so much alpha.'' He says with a squeal, which he promptly covers up with a cough. He's bright red now, he looks fucking hilarious, on the inside I feel like laughing but I keep my composure and say in monotone ''No problem now I suggest you think of ways to woo your little human as I don't know how long you will be permitted to stay in their land''

''Yes alpha'' his reply comes instantaneously as he nods his head vigorously, I let out a quite chuckle and mutter ''of you go''. The pup Eric hasn't changed much over the years, he was my younger brothers Andrew and Alexander's best friend they were inseparable growing up, their death hit him quite hard, he also lost his father to the same tragedy, its good he's found his mate, we all deserve some sort of happiness after all these years of misery.

Right its not edited and again its quite short but i didnt want anything else in this chapter i felt it was enough, anywho tell me vat you think. I literally rushed the end of it so its not as good as i would have liked it to be but eh its done.

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