Chapter 1; Becca

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The forest was eerily quiet;  The rays of light shining through the trees as I make my way towards the clearing, my white wolf senses on high alert. I watch through my wolfs eyes as she trots through the forest waiting for something, anything. The eeriness of the forest long forgotten, the chirping birds are nowhere to be found. The squirrels are in hiding as my predator of a wolf watches her surroundings.

A black fog reaches the forest, clouding everything, even with my wolfs heightened senses she cannot seem to see. The fog consumes everything; the rays of light that brightened up the forest are now consumed with the growing fog. The cries of animals can be heard in the distance as my wolf tries to escape the black mist; where ever she turns the fog consumes her. The only thing that can be seen through the dark mist are ice blue eyes, sending shivers of fear down my spine.

I woke up gasping for air; it's the third night this week that I've dreamt of those eyes, like ice cutting through me and seeing deep inside my soul, I have no recollection of anything but those eyes they haunt me where ever  I go. Whether in my dreams or in reality I feel those beautifully dangerous ice blue eyes on me, watching, waiting for I do not know what.

I was told when I was a little girl that every soul had two beings and that long ago they were separated and doomed to wonder earth until they reunited with their other half, for the Lycan's they were given preference, as they were the moon goddesses favourite children. They would find their other half through their eyes once they meet their destined one's eyes they know, it's just as simple as that you meet your mates eyes and you know you belong. Is it weird that those same eyes that haunt me are those of my beloveds, my mate's?

As my heart rate finally shows signs of normalcy, I get out of bed and walk over to my window. The darkness of the night still at its peak letting me know that I've only had a few hours of sleep at the most, my wolf is restless inside of me. My mate is close, she can feel his presence, but I'm afraid, afraid of the reality of those ice blue eyes that do not show any emotion. An almighty white wolf, the last of her kind afraid of the realty of finding her mate. Pathetic is it not, that I hide from my kind; I trap myself in my uncles pack as their omega, their weakest member, when in reality I could destroy them all without breaking a sweat.

My parents would roll in their graves had they known what a coward their daughter was. I do not remember either of them but I know they must have been powerful as they created a white wolf, something thought to be extinct. I know that my grandparents keep me in hiding for my safety but I also know that they know more than they say. I can feel something inside of me waiting to be released, I can feel my wolf getting stronger day by day, and some days even I can't control her. But what am I; a 17 year old girl, how can I possibly control a queen in her own right; my magnificent white wolf.

The nights air blowing a steady breeze though my balcony as I watch the night and its inhabitants, the night animals are preparing for something, something's coming everyone can sense it..... My wolf and I are not the only ones; the atmosphere in the pack has been tense for the past week. The Alpha Belmonte is hiding something everyone knows but no one dares question their Alpha. My grandfather had also been acting strange I can sense something is wrong, something is happening and I fear it has something to do with those ice blue eyes.

My grandmother and aunt have been 'missing' for the last week, I know my grandfather sent them but I don't know where or why. The secrets are piling up and I feel as though my wolf is my only ally.  I am Rebecca Sheppard but my wolf refuses to acknowledge that as her title, she knows more then I do, I can feel her piecing together part of the puzzle, she knows something, something I do not. My wolf is telling me something but I cannot seem to understand, I can usually feel everything.  We are one and cannot hide anything, but I feel this is something from a higher power, something meant to be hidden even from me.

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