Chapter 7; Becca

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Chapter 7


Have you ever truly felt like you don't know who you are? That your whole life you've been lied to constantly because that's exactly what I'm feeling right about now. How could they have kept such a massive secret from me, my mother was a Dukas and my father was a Kailas, I'm not Becca Sheppard, I'm not who I thought I was. How can my whole life have been a lie, I feel fake, and they think I'm the chosen one.

I can't be its impossible I'm not powerful enough, I'm not strong enough, my wolf may have the power and strength but I certainly don't, this has to be a mistake, it just has to be.

When the moon goddess gifts you a meeting with your mate you accept the gift without question, I have accepted that Alaric is my mate, but what I can't seem to accept is how it happened. Silver fang already lost their Luna, I'd be their alphas second mate not their Luna; I'm already living in a pack where I don't feel I belong I don't want to keep living like that, finding my mate was supposed to give me peace not create more difficulties.

''Rebecca what are you thinking?'' My grandfather asks me as I silently pace my room, suddenly seething with anger, if only he'd told who I was I would be prepared but no he kept it hidden as though he had the right to hide my birthright ''You lied to me!'' I accuse my grandfather with venom lacing my words, how could he!?!??

''For your own protection'' My own protection from what myself?!?

''No it wasn't for my protection it was for yours'' he didn't want me to find out; he probably knew I'd get too curious and I'd risk his perfect hiding spot, hiding in plain sight nice gramps.

''Becca'' my uncle scolds me with a sigh.

''Oh come on uncle if he told me what exactly would it have changed; nothing it wouldn't have changed a thing; nobody would know who I am, but I would id know where I came from and why my wolf had never accepted the name Shepard, you had no right to keep me in the dark'' I say with tears threatening to spill, how could they have all known and not tell me!

''I had all the right, they killed your mother fearing she was with child, when in fact she had already had you, if you didn't know then there wasn't a possibility anyone would know and you'd be safe, you're the only thing we have left of your mother, I was going to protect to any means necessary and I though keeping you in the dark was doing exactly that, I regret a lot of thing but I don't regret that.''

''That's why my mom was killed because of me''

''No it was not your fault the ones who killed her are responsible for her death, don't you ever think it was your fault and be assured they have been severely punished for it''

''I still can't believe it''

''I'm sorry I was only trying to protect you'' my grandfather says with a sigh, his eyes filling with more emotion that I've ever seen on him, ''I know grandpa'' I say my voice cracking at seeing my grandfather so emotional.

''What are you going to do about that mate of yours?'' he asks changing the subject to another sensitive and odd situation I've been put in.

''I don't know''

''You will accept him?'' he asks with doubt lacing his voice

''Of course there wasn't a question in my mind about it'' I answer incredulously, how could he think id reject my mate, I know it's odd but the feelings you get for your mate are instantaneous, it can't be helped, it's sort of a blind love, where you fall head first.

''Okay, we should introduce him to the elders before any of the pack find out, you know news travels fast around here.''

''Yeah your right'' my uncle says getting up.

Okay I admit I have no idea where this story is going right now, but I'm not giving up,

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Xoxo HuMz

On a side note i have reached my first 1k reads, so thank-you guys for reading it honestly means a lot to me xxx

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