Chapter 3; Becca

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As Mia and I are walking to the school parking lot after another uneventful and unimaginably dull day at school I spot something from the corner of my eyes, I don't change my posture but I keep my senses on guard. Someone is on pack territory, many someone's, my wolf is alert, even though she doesn't accept this is her pack, she knows she has family here she needs to protect, Mia included.

I discreetly take a whiff of air as a strange scent fills my senses its not rouge, the natural honey smell indicates to a member of Silver fang pack, my uncle hadn't mentioned there visit, usually we are on friendly terms with the six main packs. We have regular planned meetings, though the full pack are informed before hand as to not be alarmed of the arrival of unusual scents.

We make it to my car, I hand Mia the keys she gives me a weird look shrugs and hops into the drivers sear, she usually has to beg me to let her drive, so she's most likely curios as to why I let her drive without her begging. I'd rather her drive so my full attention can be put on the members of the silver fang pack; I have already caught three different scents all of the same natural honey smell.

'Uncle Derek' I call through our pack link, keeping my face as neutral as possible, so Mia doesn't think I'm crazy, actually she already knows I'm crazy, still got to keep up my sane facade.

'Yes becks' he replies almost instantly, knowing I only use pack link in dire situations,

'Are silver fang scheduled to be in our territory?' I get straight to the point, the sooner this conversation is over, the sooner I can close my mind link.

'What?' he asks making a chocking sound; he shouldn't really be surprised that I know my wolf's senses are better than most, even most high ranking wolves.

'Do you have a meeting with any member of silver fang?' I repeat slowly, pronouncing each word clearly, clearly this was my sarcasm at its best. 'I heard what you said but why would you ask that?' he asks composing himself; I can almost imagine his completely red right now.

'I've already caught three members on our territory, how many are you expecting in total?' I say not liking the 'i don't know what you're talking about' approach.

'Rebecca how on earth did you know they were silver fang?'

'My Wolf' I reply, not giving an explanation as to exactly how she knew, I'm not sure myself, but I'm in the dark about a lot of things when it comes to my wolf.

'Oh' was his simple reply.

'So what business do you have with silver fang?' getting of topic isn't helping, if they've been invited, why in the world were the pack not informed. An long sigh comes from the other end of the link followed by uncle Derek's strained answer 'I have a meeting with the alpha, about a human mate but its need to know, my beta, my third, your Uncle Oscar and grandpa are the only ones that know.'

'How many of them are we expecting?' I ask wanting to know how many to expect, why is my wolf not bothered but the fact that there are wolves on our territory.

'Only 4' he says reluctantly.

'Including bat shit crazy Alpha Montgomery?' I ask with a shudder, I feel bad for him, but the rumours going round about their alpha are so ridiculous, but believable, I saw him once about four years ago not properly but I heard him speak it was so cold and scary, well that what the 13 year old me thought.

'Yes only four, you better not call him that aloud hear me' he says trying to be stern, but fails miserably when he lets a chuckle out.

'Yes uncle, I don't have a death wish.' I reply mentally giving him an eye roll.

''You're awfully quite, what's wrong'' Mia asks just as I close my pack link, I never leave it open, only when I need to contact someone. When your pack link is open everyone can sense your emotions and can get into your brain, that's not something I can risk, with the secrets I have, some not even my family know, I trust them but some things are better left unknown. ''Nothing just thinking'' I reply absentmindedly, ever since my wolf caught scent of silver fang members she's been on edge, not just by the fact that they're on pack lands but the smell feels like home, it's something I don't feel like confronting but I wont cower away from ice blue eyes, he's here I'm not close enough but I know he's here.

''About?'' she asks keeping her eyes on the road, her green eyes narrow as she gives a sideways glance but keeps her eyes on the road. Mia is one of the safest drivers I have ever met, but I suppose everyone would if they'd lost someone to reckless driving, three years ago Mia's uncle was killed because some teenager was speeding and lost control just before a bend. Her uncle Ben survived a few days before his body failed him; she was an absolute wreck after that. It was unnatural seeing Mia a naturally bubbly person looking so depressed, it was then that we got closer, well at least that's when I opened up to her a little more. ''Nothing in particular'' I reply with a sigh sometimes I wish I could just tell her about who we are, but I can't break pack law.

''Right'' she hums but the sideway glances she keeps giving me tells me she doesn't exactly believe a word coming from my mouth. The rest of the journey back to Mia's house is spent in silence with some pop song Mia chose playing low in the background. Soon enough we're parking up outside Mia's house, just as she's about to open the door I interrupt her ''I'm going to head straight home.'' I say looking anywhere but at her face.

''What, why?'' She ask getting back in her seat and facing me with a perplexed look, I always spend the afternoon at Mia's only going home for sleep. ''Something's going on at home, they're hiding something'' I say finally looking her in the eyes, ''What?'' she asks looking at me for answers I wish I could give her, but for now it's another lie, well only part of the truth

''I don't know but everyone's been acting strange, I'm going to get to the bottom of this.'' I say with a determined glint in my eyes, blue eyes I know your here and I'm not afraid, if you break our trust I won't hesitate to end our bond, my wolf comes before everyone, even my other half.

''Alright I will see you tomorrow morning'' she tells me as she steps out of the car, she pauses a second later and turns around and gives me a motherly look '' text me when you get home.''

''Okay mom, I'll text you.'' I reply with a smile.

I get out of the passenger seat and hopped into the driver's side, once I've put my belt on I reverse out of her drive way and turn the girly much Mia was listening to off, I'm not really a fan of music but that girly shit is not my taste at all. Once I get onto the main roads the three scent I smelt earlier become more prominent as well as another scent, its sweeter than the others and has something intoxicating to it, it must be 'blue eyes', once I get closer to the pack house I pull up on an empty road.

If I go any further Blue eyes will most likely catch my scent, unless he's not a warrior wolf, which he most likely will be, a very powerful warrior wolf, his scent reveals that much. The amount of power he's giving off is more than that of a normal warrior, but Uncle Derek never mentioned the beta was coming, and usually if an alpha leaves his pack he leaves his beta to protect the pack. Blue eyes could be the alphas third, yeah that's probably it. 'Okay Rebecca you can do this' I chant to myself as I start up my car and drive towards the pack house...............................

Okay so yeah...i got something written but i seriously have writers for everything im writing and i feel like shit, its snowing and i hate the snow and schools being a pain, i have 17 weeks then freedom until i have to go back :(

So yeah tell me what you thing vote comment and all that jazz

xoxo HuMz

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