Chapter 9; Becca

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Chapter 9


''we have an important matter to discuss.'' My uncle tells the pack elders as soon as they've settled themselves in his office, all of them looking equally as confused mixed with some curiousness.

''Alpha why have we been summoned?'' finally Maybelle speaks up as the rest of them nod their heads as if agreeing with her question. ''And why are there strangers on pack land'' Johan adds, which causes the elders to begin to murmur to each other.

''Quite please'' my uncle asks the elders and he pointedly looks towards my grandfather wanting him to continue

''Were getting to that; Rebecca has found her mate '' my grand fathers tells them gently waiting for their response before continuing.

''The strangers?'' sage asks looking quite unpleased by the fact, it known fact that everyone would of preferred my mate to be from dark shadow, to know that I was in trustworthy hands, these people treat me as if I'm family and I love them for that but I cant help what my wolf feels towards them.

''Who, can he be trusted with her? Male wolves are unpredictable'' JoJo asking looking quite menacing, Jonathan Jones called jojo solely by me; no one else dare try, just his glare would send them running, but under the wall of muscle he's a softy at heart.

''Yes I believe he is to be trusted, although their mating is rather strange.'' My uncle carries on trying to rain in jojo's temper which has gotten the better of him on quite a few occasions.

''He's not human is he?'' sage asks looking even more displeased at the idea, most wolves accept the human mating's but some are still quite vary of the humans as they've caused our kind distress.

''No he most certainly isn't, in fact he's an alpha'' my grandfather pipes up waiting for their shocked responses.

''You said he's from silver fang?'' Maybelle asks looking as calm as possible


''It's Alpha Alaric'' she asks even though it looks like she's already pieced it together.

''Yes I'm afr.....'' my uncle confirms, only to be interrupted by a shocked Johan ''That's not possible; Celia his mate died'' he insists, looking bewildered; Celia was his mates niece so his response wasn't that unexpected.

''That's why their mating is strange'' my grandfather pipes in, he's never been a fan of the elders I've got no idea why though.

''Rebecca; are you sure he's your mate?'' Jojo asks looking at me for confirmation 'Yes I'm sure'' I tell him strongly.

''Okay'' he says with a sigh.

''We wanted to discuss this with you before the pack; Rebecca isn't an omega'' my uncle tells them waiting for shocked responses only to be met with a calm response from Maybelle ''We are aware; she's too powerful to be an omega''

''You knew'' I ask flabbergasted, how? My scent was always covered, I made sure of that

''Yes'' sage confirms.

''Though we also know there was a reason why she poses as an omega; so we didn't pry'' Jojo adds giving sage a look.

''I'm Roland Dukas'' Ladies and gentleman that is my grandfather ever so subtle in breaking news to unsuspecting victims of his bluntness.

''Now that we didn't know; so Rebecca isn't your granddaughter'' Maybelle asks as the others look at grandpa in shock.

''She is'' he confirms

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