Chapter 6

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Meredith sat in her car, combing her fingers through her hair as she tried to make herself look a bit more presentable. She'd just pulled up outside Derek's and hadn't seen him for over a week. Maddie was at his mom's, and he wanted to make dinner for her.

She was beyond tired but didn't want to cancel. She'd missed him, and he had talked about this ever since the plan had been made. She glanced to the front door, only to catch her breath when she saw Derek there, arms crossed over his chest as he watched her with an amused smile.

She frowned and pushed open the car door to get out. She almost forgot her bag, not amused with how Derek seemed to be amused with her.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

She approached him with a pout, but he just shook his head, and pulled her into his arms.

"You're just really cute."

"Cute?" She arched an eyebrow.

"Adorable," he said. He pressed his lips to hers in a short kiss. "You look amazing. You always do."

She felt the heat warm her cheeks and she shook her head, heading inside. He followed her with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry, baby, come back here," he said. He pulled her into his arms from behind. "You look perfect, you always look perfect."

"I've been driving for three hours, I feel gross," she said, her head tilted back against his shoulder.

"You can grab a shower here if you want," he said. He pressed small kisses against her neck. His hand found hers and crossed their arms together around her front. He swayed them side to side slowly.

"A shower sounds good," she smiled. "I'm sorry, I'm tired."

"Go on, I'll finish dinner. I already got some clothes out for you, I figured you'd at least want to change," he pressed a kiss just beneath her ear.

Her eyes closed, the smile still on her lips as she savoured his touch. "I love you."

"I love you too."


She'd taken just a quick shower, grateful he'd left her comfortable clothes to change into. His hoodie and a pair of her leggings she must have left here at some point. She loved wearing his clothes, his scent surrounding her. The look he'd get in his eye when she wore them.

Dinner had been amazing. She always seemed to forget how well he could cook, especially compared to her own cooking. Conversation flowed easily between them, what the other had missed, Derek catching her up on his daughter's time in day care, and the extra items she'd added to her birthday wish list.

They sat on the couch together, a random movie on the television that neither of them had paid attention to. Meredith was curled up between Derek's legs, his fingers playing in her slightly damp hair. They each held a glass of red wine, continuing their conversation.

"I found what I wanted to give to Maddie, besides the pony teddy of course," Meredith said. "I wanted to check with you first, see if it was okay before I go ahead with it."

"What is it?" He asked.

"I want to take you both away on holiday. It's a present to you and to her. A week away in the south of France during the summer, before she starts school," she explained. "I've looked up things we can do together as well, boat rides and where we can stay, things to explore."

"Meredith... that's a lot," he said. "I thought you didn't plan on spoiling her rotten."

"It's really not, Derek," she shook her head. "It wouldn't be spoiling her, I don't think."

"I... thank you. Thank you," he murmured, and pressed a kiss against the side of her head. "Let me pay for some of it."

"You can't pay for your own gift," she rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Get the flights, and the hotel, if you must, but I'm covering spending money," he tried to compromise with her.

"Okay," she nodded. Her face turned to his, a small smile on her lips. "I can't wait to see her face when she sees the beach in person for the first time."

"Me neither," he chuckled, his hand cupped against her cheek. "You are amazing."

"I want you to experience what I experience," she said. "You deserve a holiday too."

His eyes searched hers for half a second before he pressed his lips against hers in a forceful kiss. Meredith knew she was right where she needed to be.


"As much as I love Madeleine, I do love having you all to myself," he said.

His hands slid around her from behind, his chest pressed on her back. She bit her lip at the pressure. His lips touched the back of her neck and his hands travelled up her abdomen, beneath his hoodie she wore.

"So that you can eat grown up food?" She teased.

His hands paused. His thumbs barely touched the underside of her breasts. A growl left his lips, and his hot breath rolled over her neck. "So I can eat you."

A soft breath escaped her parted lips. Her back arched, and her ass pressed back into his hips. "Please."

"I've missed you," he murmured. His fingertips grazed down her skin before they settled on her waist.

She could feel every inch of his body pressed against hers, and blinked as sudden tears sprang to her eyes, burning with emotion. She'd missed him too, so badly. She'd miss this. His want, his need, his love. She'd felt so alone when she'd been away, hadn't even been able to get a full night's sleep on her own.

"Derek," she whispered. She turned, and her hands lifted to cup each side of his face, raised up on her toes to press her forehead to his. All sense of teasing was gone. "I love you."

His hand lifted, his thumb brushed over her bottom lip and his lips upturned in a smile. "I love you too."

She touched her lips to his, a soft kiss that quickly became something more intense. His fingers gripped at her waist a millisecond before he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. Her hands lingered on either side of his face. A sigh escaped her as his tongue swept over her lips and she parted them. Her fingers crept into his hair.

A giggle erupted from her lips when he lifted her up, and her legs wrapped around his waist. Kisses continued to be shared between giggles while he carried her back towards the bed, and lowered her, kneeling between her legs. His teeth caught her lower lip, sucking on it with a groan as his hands worked her legging off her legs. Each brush of his fingers on her skin sent an electric shock right to her core, that she knew she would never tire of, and would never get used to. She pulled off the hoodie herself, throwing it over the side of the bed.

A groan left his lips as his eyes brushed over her body. "God, I love you so much"

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