Chapter 25

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"Daddy, can we go home now?" Maddie asked from where she curled up on the couch. Her eyelids dropped and her mouth unhinged in a yawn.

"Really soon, baby girl. I promise," Derek said, still typing away at his last email response.

It had been a long day, and he was looking forward to getting into bed and going to sleep. Meredith wasn't due back for a couple more days, and his parents were busy, which left him entertaining Maddie in his office while he finished work. She'd giving up colouring about an hour ago to curl up on the couch but had yet to fall asleep.

His phone started ringing on the desk beside him, and Maddie sat up instantly at the noise. He glanced at the grin of Meredith's face on the screen.

"Come and talk to Mommy while I work," he said to Maddie before answering the phone. He put Meredith on speaker. "One second, Mer."

Maddie didn't take long until she was at his side reaching to take the phone. "Mommy!"

"Hi, Princess," her voice chimed from the other end of the line. "Are you all ready for bed?"

"Nuh-uh," she groaned. "In daddy's office. He gotta finish typing."

Maddie moved back to the couch, curling up again with the phone close to her head. Derek frowned at his own actions. He hadn't actually realised just how late it had gotten and cursed himself. Maddie had school in the morning, she needed to be in bed.

"Why don't you have a nap, little bug? You sound sleepy."

Derek sighed and turned off his computer at Meredith's words. He felt awful but he'd had to get this work done. He wanted the weekend off with them both. He just hadn't realised they'd be here this late.

"Daddy said we're going soon," Maddie yawned again. "How many days, Mommy?"

"Two more days. I can't wait to see you."

"Miss you." Maddie frowned. "I want you home, you been gone for a really long time."

"I know, I'm sorry. I miss you too, and I'll be home in two sleeps," Derek could hear the guilt in Meredith's voice, and he wished she'd stop being so hard on herself. "Are you being good fro Daddy?"

"Yep!" Maddie nodded, making Derek chuckle. "He got me a big cookie for dessert waiting at home."

"That sounds amazing, you must have been a very well-behaved girl for him. What did you have for dinner?"

"Cheese-broccoli pasta, and it was at the hospital, and Grandad Richard ate with us too!"

"That sounds lovely."

Derek glanced at the clock, noting the late hour, stood and picked his bag up. "We're gonna head home now, Mads. Stay on the phone with Mommy, though."

"Kay, Daddy," she nodded and grabbed the phone before she climbed off the couch. "We're going home, Mommy."

"That's good. How was school?" Meredith asked, still on speaker.

"It's good. I drew more pictures for you, and Miss said I was really good with my counting."

"She did?! That's amazing! I'm so proud of you."

Derek took Maddie's hand, leaving her to hold the phone with her other while they walked out to the car. Meredith continued speaking with Maddie the whole way, even when they'd gotten in the car and started their journey home.

"Daddy said we can have movie night on Saturday in three days," Maddie said, a grin on her face. They'd switched to video call now, and her gaze was fixed on the phone screen.

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