Chapter 26

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The lights were off in the house, all but the porch light. Meredith pulled up behind Derek's car sat in the drive. She turned off the engine to her car and stepped out, drawing a quick breath before using her key to get inside.

The house was still. Not a sound. She left her bag by the front door and took off her shoes before creeping up the carpeted stairs. With it being just after three in the morning, the last thing she wanted to do was wake Maddie up. She paused at the doorway to her bedroom, glancing in to see her fast asleep, curled underneath her covers, clutching her favourite teddy close to her. Meredith smiled to herself, moving down the hallway.

The door to their bedroom was ajar, and through the gap she could see him asleep in the bed. She pushed the door open a little wider, biting her lip and studying him a little closer. At least his top half was bare, but she couldn't tell if he wore anything else beneath the covers. She unbuttoned her own jeans and tugged them down her legs to kick off before lifting off her jumper. Left in only her underwear, she went to the empty side of the bed and climbed in.

He shifted slightly, and her fingers threaded through his hair. He was so peaceful in sleep. God, she'd missed him. Unable to resist, she pressed a kiss to his cheek, following the line of his jaw to his throat. He groaned slightly in response, an arm reaching out towards her. She slid herself under the blankets with him, and he murmured incoherently, eyes still closed. She was sure he was at least half asleep still.

His arm lifted over her waist on some sort of instinct, and she pressed kisses to his shoulder. Her fingers brushing over his spine, tracing his back muscles. Her voice came out in a soft whisper.

"Baby, I'm home."

His face turned toward her on the pillow, and she took the opportunity to press a kiss against his lips. His arm tightened around her waist, and she knew now he was waking up. His lips responded to her kiss.

Before she could make her next move, he pulled her up against him into his hold, both arms wrapped around her. He pushed his lips to hers in a bruising kiss, making her gasp softly. He had been completely naked beneath the sheets. Their legs tangled together, bodies moulding as one. They shared kisses, tongues exploring one another with longing.

"Meredith," he said against her lips. His fingers rubbed small circles against her back, and she groaned into the kiss. "You're here. Early. You're early."

"I told you I'd see you soon," she grinned as he pushed her onto her back, lips attacking her neck.

His hands dropped to her waist, holding her down beneath him as his lips devoured her skin. Her body writhed at the contact; his hips pressed against hers with his obvious arousal.

"I'm not dreaming?" He asked, his lips ducking to her breasts with soft kisses.

"Not at all," she shook her head, her fingers threading through his hair again. "I'm really here."

"Let me show you my appreciation then," his lips curled into a smirk against her skin. His kisses lowered down her abdomen, stopping with a flick of his tongue against the border of her panties.

"Derek," she gasped when his teeth grazed her skin, tugging her panties down. His fingers looped in the lace, dragging them down her legs.

"I missed you so damn much," he murmured, pressing kisses to her inner thighs. He guided her legs over his shoulders just as his tongue found her clit and pressed firmly against it.

Her back arched as she moaned out, fingers tugging his hair. He slid a single digit inside her, moving slowly in just the way he knew she liked it. Her toes curled against his skin as his movements became possessive, desperate. It wasn't long before he had her coming undone beneath him, her orgasm ricocheting through her body.

He littered kisses, moving up her body and aligning himself above her. Her lips were parted with a soft pant, her body arched beneath him. She hooked one leg over his hip, a breathy whisper next to his ear. "Let me fuck you now."

He groaned at her words, his head dipping to catch her lips in a deep kiss before he flipped them. She straddled him, her hair falling in waves, curtaining her face. One of his hands pushed her hair back, the other firmly clutching her waist.

Meredith pressed down, rubbing his hard length with her sensitive pussy. He met her movement, teeth gritted together against his groans. His fingers twisted into her hair and pulled gently. "I can't... no more teasing."

"That wasn't even my best teasing," she smirked and lowered her lips to his jaw. "But I need you inside me too much to care."

She pressed down harder, drawing a 'fuck' from his lips. Her hand slid between them, and she positioned herself above him before lowering herself in one slow motion until he filled her to the hilt. They let out a simultaneous moan.

Two weeks without him was far too long.

Sweat was already beading between her breasts as she moved slowly, savouring every sensation of his throbbing dick squeezed by her walls. She lowered herself again desperate to kiss him, to merge with him. Skin to skin contact had fire blazing through her nerves, right to her core. She moved her hips faster and he kept up with each movement.

His fingers slipped to the apex of her thighs, pinching and rubbing her clit until she fell into oblivion again. Her cum coated his dick, lubricating their movements. Before she'd even resurfaced, he'd flipped her onto her back and was pounding fast and hard inside her. She bit her bottom lip, an attempt to muffle her sounds but it was too much and an almost scream erupted from her lips.

His hand covered her mouth to muffle her noises of pleasure, his own mouth falling to her throat to silence himself. Her whole body quivered beneath him, getting closer and closer to her release. His movements increased in intensity as his own release drew closer, his length throbbing inside her.

Meredith's back arched, throwing her head back as her climax hit and rattled through her limbs. With one last thrust, Derek finished inside her, and he collapsed on top of her, careful to not crush her with his weight. His lips found her skin, pressing soft kisses along her collarbone and tangling his fingers into her hair.

"Hmm, I've missed you so much," he murmured. "I got far too used to you being around more."

"I missed you too. I wish I didn't have to, but I'm not going away for a while now," she looped her arms over his shoulders. Meredith yawned and pulled him closer.

"Sleep, baby. You must be exhausted from travelling," he said, rolling onto his side and pulling her closer.

"Hmm, should put clothes on," she said with a yawn, curling into him.

"Damn, you're right," he chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Mer, it's four in the morning."

"Yeah," she nodded, and he slipped out of the bed, leaving her to cuddle against the pillow. She watched him with a soft grin. "I'm sorry for waking you. I wasn't going to, but... I couldn't help myself."

"Don't you dare apologise," he chuckled, bringing her one of his tshirts. She reluctantly sat up as she pulled it on and he pulled his own on. He moved beside her again, pulling her into his lap.

Her fingers gripped the front of his shirt when their lips met. His fingers tangled into her hair and held her close. His tongue swept between her lips, and she greeted it with her own. She moaned, slipping her hands beneath the fabric, pushing it up.

Derek's teeth trapped her lip for a second before he pulled back, only touching his forehead to hers. "You need sleep. We both need sleep. As much as I would love to ravish you over and over again..."

A shiver ran down her spine as his fingers drifted down her cheek. She wet her lips and huffed slightly. "I'm too tired to argue with you, and Maddie will be up in a few hours and I'd rather not be half asleep for that."

Derek pulled her down to lay with him, bringing the covers up around them. She curled into him again and his nose buried against her hair. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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