Chapter 9

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Their holiday together had been amazing. Exactly what all three of them had needed before Maddie started school. They had spent the whole week together, making memories and making sure Maddie had the time of her life. And in the evenings, when Maddie had gone to sleep, had been the perfect time for Meredith and Derek to take time together, either in the bed in the adjoined room, or in the bathtub with a bottle of wine.

It was all just pictures now. They were back in Seattle, and had been for a couple of weeks. Except Meredith had been away the past few days, only due to be back in the morning for Maddie's first day of school/ She had promised to be there, and was yet to break a single promise to Maddie or Derek.

It didn't take much to pick up on the fact that Maddie was nervous for her first day of school. She'd spent the evening clung to Derek's side, and he'd be happily held her close to him as they watched a movie on the couch together. Meredith was flying in late tonight, and had promised she'd be there in the morning to see Maddie before she went to school.

"Right, Princess," Derek said when the credits rolled. "It's time to go up to bed."

"No, daddy," she shook her head. "Stay with you."

"It's time for sleep or you'll be really tired tomorrow," he said. He stood with her balanced on his hip, fully prepared for the anticipated upset.

"Stay in your bed?"

"Not tonight, baby girl. Meredith is coming back later so she'll be here in time to see you before school," his ran his hand over the back of her head.

"I wanna sleep in your bed, daddy," she pouted. She looked up at him with wide eyes that threatened tears.

"You have to sleep in your bed, Maddie. Where's Meredith gonna sleep?" He said.

He started the ascent up the stairs. Maddie shook her head and tears now fell.

"No! You're my daddy, I sleep in your bed. Mer'dith sleep in her bed," she whined.

"Madeleine, you have your own bed to sleep in. If you want Meredith to see you before school, she'll need to sleep in my bed," he tried to rationalise.

He took her into her bedroom, but she started to sob and kick her legs in protest. He gave a heavy sigh and lowered her on to her bed, even as she clung to him. He gently pried her hands off his clothes and kneeled beside the bed. Deep breaths.

"Madeleine Shepherd, that's enough," he said. "You're a big girl now, and you start your first day of school tomorrow. You're really tired."

He brushed her hair back, her face bright red and hot, streaked with tears. She still sobbed, if a little quieter, and shook her head.

"No school, daddy. Stay with you," she insisted.

"You can't stay with me, Princess. You have to go school. You'll be there for four hours, and then Meredith and I will come and pick you up and we're going for a special lunch to celebrate, remember?"

"Don't go, daddy. Don't leave," she whimpered. He could tell her eyes were starting to droop with her exhaustion.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll always be here, and I'll be waiting for you as soon as school is finished," he leant forward and kissed her forehead. "I promise."

"Wanna say goodnight to Mer," she mumbled. She'd leant forward against him, her tears and snot wetting the shoulder of his shirt. "Wanna speak to Mer."

"I'll try to call her, but you know if she's already travelling she might not be able to speak, okay?"

Maddie nodded, her arms now wrapped around him. He managed to pull his phone from his pocket and called Meredith's number. He prayed she could speak for a few minutes. Her flight wasn't boarding for another twenty minutes, so there was a chance. He put the phone on speaker so Maddie could hear too.

"Hello?" Meredith's voice sounded, and Derek breathed a visible sigh of relief.

"Mer?" Maddie spoke before Derek could, her voice still a little shaky.

"I'm here, little bug," Meredith's voice became softer to speak to her. "What's wrong? You sound sad."

"Are you coming home for school?" Maddie asked, her hands still gripped on Derek's shirt.

"I definitely am," Meredith said. "I'm getting on a plane in ten minutes, and I'll get there while you're sleeping. And when you wake up, we can have pancakes and get you dressed nice for school, and then we'll all go in the car to take you and meet your teacher."

"Hug and kiss when you get back?"

"Always, little bug. And I have a super special present for you for school as well. The sooner you get comfy in bed and off to sleep, the sooner you'll see me," Meredith told her.

He didn't think he could love his girlfriend any more right now.

"Kay, but tell daddy to stay," Maddie said, a small frown on her face.

"Daddy better stay," Meredith said, a fake sternness to her voice. "Daddy will always stay with you, little bug."

"Night night, Mer," Maddie yawned, a little more limp in Derek's arms.

"Goodnight, little bug. I'll see you soon," Meredith said.

Derek took the phone off speaker and brought it up to his ear with a soft whisper, "Thank you."

"Are you okay?" Meredith asked, and he could just imagine the small frown between her eyebrows.

"I'm okay, get on your flight and travel safe. I love you."

"I love you too. I have my key, sleep if you need to, I'll see you soon."


Meredith finally made it to Derek's house in the small hours of the morning. As quiet as she could, she made her way through the house, first to Maddie's room.

The young girl was fast asleep in her bed, her face slightly pinker from the heat. She crouched beside the bed, and pressed a kiss to her forehead while she tucked the sheets closer around her. Maddie moved a little but didn't wake.

Meredith watched her for a moment longer before she left the room again, in search for Derek now. She'd only been gone a few days, and she hated she couldn't have come back earlier in the day, but was glad Derek had called before Maddie went to sleep. Especially since she'd sounded so upset.

She entered the dark bedroom, silently changed out of her clothes, and pulled on of Derek's T-shirts on before she climbed into the bed beside him where he slept. Her arms slipped around him from behind, and she pressed soft kisses against the back of his neck and shoulder. He started to rouse from his sleep.

"It's just me," she whispered. "Go back to sleep."

Derek only shook his head and turned to face her, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. His lips found hers in the dark for a fierce kiss, even though he was still half asleep.

"You're here," he murmured before he buried his face between her neck and shoulder to drink her in.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her fingers twisted in his hair with the hope it would calm him.

"I missed you," was all he said.

"I missed you too," she whispered, and pressed her lips to his forehead. "I missed you so much."

"I want you closer," he mumbled.

"How?" Meredith laughed, running her fingers through his hair.

Derek shrugged and held her a little tighter, shifting his legs between hers until they were tangled together. "Mine."

"And you're mine."

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