Chapter 27

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Meredith turned into the back of her personal body warmer as she started to wake. Her arm slid around his middle, curled up against him. Her mouth was dry and she definitely wasn't ready to wake up just yet. A yawn escaped her as the sound of Maddie's voice filled her ears. She grinned wide, staying hidden behind Derek.

"Daddy! Time for school, gotta get up!" Maddie was insisting on the other side of the bed.

"Maddie, it's Saturday," he said with his own yawn.

Maddie hadn't noticed her yet. Meredith watched the grin of Maddie's face as she giggled and shook her head, still tugging on Derek's hand.

"Daddy, no silly, it's Friday," she said. "Mommy comes home today!"

Meredith pressed a kiss against Derek's shoulder blade, letting him know she was awake. His chest shook with his chuckle.

"Come here, Princess," he said to Maddie. "Climb into bed with me for a little bit."

"No daddy! Can't be lazy today. Can't be late for school because we can't be late for mommy!" Maddie insisted.

"I'm sure we can spare five minutes," he said, and leaned forward to lift her up onto the bed. "Besides, there's someone hiding here waiting for you."

"Daddy who's in your bed?" Maddie frowned, and then lifted her gaze.

Her eyes widened and she let out a gasp. Meredith grinned at her, holding a hand out to her over Derek. "Hi, little bug."

"Mommy!" Maddie jumped over Derek to land in Meredith's arms, almost taking the wind out of her. Tears had built up in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around Meredith's neck and hugged herself close.

Meredith returned the hug, squeezing her daughter close and inhaling her unique scent. She pressed kisses against Maddie's hair, and lay back on the bed, their hug still intact.

"I missed you so much, baby girl," she murmured softly, her own eyes tearing up as she met Derek's gaze.

"Missed you more," Maddie giggled, looking up at her.

"I don't think so," Meredith grinned, shaking her head in jest.

"Daddy, mommy is home," Maddie giggled in delight, turning to look at him.

"I can see that, Princess," he laughed, running his hand over her hair.

"Cuddle before school," Maddie murmured, curling up against Meredith as she lay down, between her and Derek, "Daddy too."

"Five minutes, and then we need to have breakfast and get ready," Derek agreed, joining in on their cuddle and wrapping his arms around both of them.

"This the best cuddle," Maddie said with a small yawn.

"It definitely is," Meredith murmured before yawning herself, "I didn't realise how tired I was until now."

"Mommy gotta sleep more," Maddie nodded.

"I was going to take you to school with daddy," Meredith said, but nestled her face against Derek's shoulder as her eyes closed.

"Little sleep," Maddie giggled, and she felt her press a kiss to her cheek, making her smile.

The three of them stayed quiet and Meredith felt herself starting to drift off to sleep again. Derek's thumb caressed her hip beneath his shirt she still wore, his lips pressed to her forehead. Maddie hadn't started to fall asleep but stayed curled between them both, a grin on her face.

"Need help getting ready, Maddie?" Derek asked. Their five minutes must have been up. "You've been doing a good job of it this week."

"I got it! Mommy don't go nowhere," she said as she hugged Meredith one more time.

"I won't move from this spot," she said and kissed the top of Maddie's head.

Meredith laughed as Derek's hands slid under her shirt, pulling her closer to him after Maddie had left the room. His lips captured hers, kissing her slowly as their legs tangled together. She pulled her lips back slightly to catch her breath, her eyes opening again to see him smiling softly at her.

"Hey," she breathed, smiling back at him as their noses brushed.

"Hi," he murmured, briefly kissing her again.

She broke the kiss with a yawn, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth.

"You need to sleep, I have a lot planned for us today," he smirked slightly.

"A little nap," she murmured, kissing him again before nestling her head back down against the pillow.

"Okay, I'll go get her breakfast sorted," he chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead before he left the room. She grabbed his pillow and pulled it against her chest, breathing in his scent from the fabric. Soon she was asleep again.


"Mommy, time to go," Maddie's voice woke her, her small hand squeezing hers.

"Hmm, okay," she gave her a sleepy smile, slowly opening her eyes, "Did you eat breakfast?"

"Yep! All my cereal, brushed my teeth and washed my face, daddy said you might do hair?" Maddie went to climb up onto the bed, clutching the sheets in her struggle.

"Of course I will," she said as she sat up, pulling Maddie into her lap, "Where's daddy?"

"Dunno, he said five minutes," she shrugged, fidgeting with a hair clip.

"Did you pick your own clothes?" Meredith asked as she started running the hairbrush through Maddie's dark curls gently.

"Did I do good?" she asked, sitting still.

"You did amazing, better than daddy does," Meredith laughed as she started to carefully manipulate Maddie's hair into pigtails.

"Daddy picks the wrong colours," she giggled, her hand covering her mouth.

"Okay, I haven't missed being spoken about," Derek's chuckle came from the doorway, a thermal flask in his hand.

"Is that coffee?" she asked, finishing off the plaits.

"It is," he grinned at her, not moving.

"Is it for me?"

"Maybe," he shrugged, "Are we ready to go?"

"Just shoes," Maddie nodded, climbing off the bed and heading downstairs.

"I really hope the coffee is for me," Meredith grinned, moving out of the bed as he walked toward her.

"It is for you," he laughed, passing her the thermos.

"Thank you," she gave him a quick kiss as she took it from him.

"You look exhausted," he murmured, brushing his fingers over her cheek, "Are you feeling okay?"

"I just haven't slept well," she shrugged slightly, covering her mouth as she yawned, "I'm okay."

"Are you sure you want to come with us? I'm sure Maddie will understand if you want to sleep," he frowned, touching his lips to her forehead a moment.

"No, it's okay, I want to," she smiled, leaning into his touch, "I've got all day with you to sleep. I only have a meeting at two, I think."

"Don't push yourself. If all you want to do is sleep, that's okay," he murmured, kissing her forehead a few more times, his arm sliding around her waist to pull her into a hug.

"I won't, don't worry so much," she said, lifting her head to touch her lips to his a moment.

Before they could take it any further, Maddie called from downstairs. "Ready! Let's go!"

"I should probably put some clothes on."

"Hurry," Derek smirked, squeezing her close once more. "Although, I do enjoy the sight of you in just my shirt."

Meredith smirked back, turning away from him and going into the closet, throwing a glance over her shoulder at him. "Maybe later."

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