Chapter 20

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The morning had been slow for Addison. Slow for most of the hospital, really, not that she'd say the words out loud, that was asking for trouble. But they'd decided to use this time to their advantage. And by they, she meant Mark and her.

Things had actually been going well with them for once. They'd been on and off since they'd both settled here, but she was sure this was it now. She could trust him, she was having fun with him, and she really could see spending the rest of her life with him. Coming out to Seattle had definitely been one of the better decisions she'd ever made – even if she did miss the big city life of New York from time to time.

She made her way through the halls of the hospital, intending on stopping by his office to see him. She didn't have any patients until later that afternoon, and hopefully she wouldn't be pulled in on anything emergent in the meantime.

Just as the elevator reached her desired floor, her pager went off. She checked it quickly, seeing a 911 from Meredith that had her frowning in confusion. She didn't even think Meredith was in the hospital today. She pulled out her phone, dialling Meredith's number.

"Meredith? Is everything okay?" she asked as she walked toward Mark's office.

"Addison," she heard a slight sob in the other end of the phone, "I need you, I..."

"Meredith, what is it? Where are you?" Addison stopped in her tracks.

"I'm... ER, please, hurry," the pain in Meredith's voice was evident.

"I'm on my way, what's happening?" Addison asked as she turned and started moving as fast as she could to get down to the ER.

"It's happening again," she sobbed slightly again, "I don't... I need you here."

"Okay, Meredith, breathe," she tried to stay calm for Meredith's sake, she had no idea what she meant, unless...

"Exam room two," Meredith said, a slight rasp in her voice.

"I'm almost there, hang on," Addison said and hung up the phone.


"I didn't even... I was feeling a little nauseous this morning, and as soon as I thought it could be... the test was positive just a few hours ago, and then the cramping started an hour ago and now," Meredith's voice broke and her arm moved around her middle again, "There was so much blood..."

"Okay, Meredith, I've got you," Addison said, getting the ultrasound set up, "Do you want me to get Derek?"

"I want... I don't know," Meredith looked toward Addison, breathing becoming more and more erratic.

"Let me page him, let him be here for you," Addie frowned, "I need to do this ultrasound, okay?"

"I need to know first, I need... I can't have killed another baby," her breaths came in small gasps, tears streaming down her face.

"Breathe, Meredith," Addison said.

"Is it what I think it is?" Meredith said, voice quiet.

"I... yes, you're miscarrying. I'm so sorry, Mer," she moved her hand to take Meredith's with a gentle squeeze, "I need to do a D and C."

"Damn it, damn it," she muttered, tears rolling down her cheek. She squeezed her eyes shut.

"Do you want me to call Derek before we start?" Addison asked, her hand still holding Meredith's tight.

"I... yeah," she let out in a soft gasp of sobs and turned her face against the pillow, "Can you... tell him, can you tell him?"

"I'll tell him," Addison confirmed.

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