Chapter 12

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Meredith had moved in only a month ago, but it felt like she had lived there forever. Her flat had finally been sold, after a couple more minor breakdowns on her part, and a lot of questioning over whether she should have gone ahead with or not, but it had been completed. It was like a weight lifted off her shoulders. And know she lived with Derek and Maddie in their house, Derek already making hints about them finding a bigger house.

Maddie seemed to be under the impression he would be building them a new, bigger house - with enough space for ponies.

They'd fallen into their own sort of routine. With Meredith not working away still, she would take Maddie to school and pick her up. On the days where Derek could, they would go together. Maddie was in the best moods on those days. It was pretty much similar to the routine they had in place before, only Meredith didn't go back to her flat.

Maddie was delighted having Meredith around more. As each day passed, Meredith felt more and more maternal protection over the five-year-old girl. She could feel the familial bonds between them strengthening. Maddie continued to be well behaved, listening to Meredith and not objecting when, on rare occasions, Meredith had to caution her against a particular behaviour. Mainly from climbing up on places she shouldn't and moving too fast around the house.

Meredith didn't know how Derek coped. Everything Maddie did that could potentially make her hurt herself gave Meredith a minor heart attack.

She'd been thinking more about the prospect of working at the hospital, taking up a permanent position. She hated being away. The work was great, and she loved what she did. But when she wasn't working, she just missed being at home with her two favourite people. She hated hearing Maddie's voice telling her how much she missed her. She missed them both more than anything.

Meredith pulled up in the school car park. Derek's assistant has received a call that Maddie needed collecting, for a reason that hadn't completely explained, but Derek was stuck in the operating room. With nothing to do for the afternoon, Meredith went in his place.

While she was on her way to the school, Derek should've called to let them know Meredith would be picking her up, and whatever needed to be discussed could be discussed with her.

It was the middle of the day, so it was too early for the school day to actually be over, but Meredith just hoped that nothing too bad had happened and that Maddie was okay.

Meredith climbed out her car and clutched her coat around herself as she headed inside. A small smile and introduction to the school secretary later, Meredith was lead to the Principal's office where she was told Maddie was waiting with her Principal. When she was lead inside, her eyes immediately landed on Maddie sat in a chair. Her cheeks were pinker than they should've been, and Meredith knew in an instant that she'd been crying.

Not bothering to introduce herself to the principal, her attention wholly on Maddie and her upset, Meredith crossed the room to her. "Maddie? I'm here."

"Mer?" Maddie said, her voice small and quiet when she turned to her. Her arms lifted to be picked up.

Meredith picked her up, sitting in the chair Maddie had been sat in as she held her in a close hug. Her eyes finally met those of the Principal, wary of the woman in front of her who looked confused.

"I spoke with Dr Shepherd just now, he said you'd be coming for Maddie. Dr Meredith Grey, I assume? You're Maddie's Mom?"

"That's right, but I'm just his girlfriend I'm not..." Meredith said with a shake of her head, her hand running up and down Maddie's back to comfort her. "What's happened?"

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