Chapter 2

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On the next day within solar space time, as indicated from before, Duck Dodgers had arranged for his small team to cross over to Mars while the others stayed behind to look after their people. 

When they arrived at the center of the planet, they perched their ship over in front of the royal palace and waited for security to let them through. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the palace, General X-9 peeks over at the high-tech security cameras of the place and widens his eyes when he sees a foreign ship at the gates.

He then, immediately runs over to the throne room with his best green pooch guard and sets out a warning alert for his majesty, in case they need heavy duty backup for the intruders. 

"Your highness, there's a spaceship arriving at the gates, shall I reenforce the security dogs?" General X-9 asked in a worried tone. 

"Aarf?" K-9 (X-9's dog) sounded out while tilting his head in confusion.

"Oh, I don't think that would be necessary General. I can already guess who's here at my premises. Please let them in and escort our guests over to me." Queen Tyr'ahnee commanded as General X-9 bows down in response to her request. 

"As you wish my lady." General X-9 replied while walking out with his dog back towards the control panel of the gates and buzzed them in. 

A few minutes later, as predicted, the 'guests' turned out to be Duck Dodgers and his team as the group entered the throne room with the guardsmen closing the doors behind them. 

Queen Tyr'ahnee looked over Dodgers in amusement and greets him. 

"Well, if it isn't the brave and loyal Dodgers. How nice to see you again after all time. It's been what? 2 years perhaps, since we last saw each other?" Queen Tyr'ahnee asked in a playful tone while Dodgers quickly looked away out of embarrassment.  

"It's good to see you again too, your majesty." Dodgers said in a unusual cold tone with small hints of blush on his cheeks. 

The others knew then that he simply just didn't want to be reminded of his past but tried his best to cooperate since allying with the Martians was their only option so far.  

"Oh, come on now. Don't be so modest. We're all friends here, right? So, tell me, if I may ask, what do I owe the pleasure of your company today?" Queen Tyr'ahnee asked with an initial seductive tone, but since Dodgers didn't immediately answer, Aurora decided to step in from there and explain to keep the awkwardness from tensing any further.  

"We're very sorry for intruding on behalf of your royal grounds, but we really need your help. The whole world system is in parallel danger, and Captain Dodgers suggests that we should work together in order to help keep our people alive."

"What?! Who said anything about teaming up?!" Dodgers asked while turning to Aurora, furious. 

"You did, silly. When you agreed to come here, remember?" Aurora asked with a teasing smile as the two stared intensely in a friendly manner while Queen Tyr'ahnee chuckled at them before acknowledging the dilemma and understood.

"Hm hm. Oh yes! You mean the black hole that may also set foot onto my planet as well? My general has already been keeping a close eye on that region for a long time now. We were also having low gravity problems and noticed how it was affecting the other planets too. From what I can concur so far, it seems that Mercury and Venus along with several other star-based planets are shallowed, leaving only a few more planets such as your own and ours left." Queen Tyr'ahnee informed. 

"That's correct, and that's the reason why we are here, your highness. To form alliances and help each other find another sanctioned planet for us to stay in until the black hole ceases to exist on its own. In exchange, we would like full medical supplies and other needs in order to help our people leave the planet as well." Dr. Grebsiew added with the others nodding their heads at his explanation. 

Queen Tyr'ahnee rubbed her chin at the interest of it all as she glances over at Dodgers, who was still looking away from her before she turned to his team and responded. 

"Well...I suppose we could work something out. If you..." Queen Tyr'ahnee was going to negotiate until all of a sudden, alarm sounds blare the room with booming outside noises  

Everyone then, turn towards the door as General X-9 and his troops bust into the room in a heaving panic. 

"Your Majesty! We're being under attack!" General X-9 yelled. 

"What?! Who has trespassed my grounds?!" Queen Tyr'ahnee yelled, furiously while looking at her guardsmen.

"Some weird looking robots and their leader. They broke into the supply room and stole our equipment!" General X-9 shouted, nervously. 

"Well don't just stand there! Help your men, General. Dodgers and team will be there in any minute to help you guys. Make sure those thieves don't walk out of there, alive with our stuff." Queen Tyr'ahnee ordered.  

"Yes, your highness!  Right away!" General X-9 said before leaving them be again to defend their supplies.

"What?! Uh uh. No way! This is your problem, not ours to handle." Dodgers yelled at her, irritated while motioning his hands out in a refusal. 

"Please, Dodgers it's important that my people get out there safely and keep the raiders from looting all our hard-earned supplies. Look if you help my soldiers out, I will consider joining alliances with you. Deal?" Queen Tyr'ahnee offered as Dodgers looked at her before looking back at his team and sighed. 

"Sigh fine. We'll help you." Dodgers agreed as the Queen clasped her hands together in a praise. 

"Oh, thank you Captain Dodgers. You are truly my hero." Queen Tyr'ahnee complement as Dodgers rolled his eyes in annoyance. 

"Yeah, yeah. Save the speech for later, toots." Dodgers said as he turns toward his team for instructions. 

It was very obvious to him that she only sweetly tries to get into his mind long enough for her end of the benefit to come through before that charm turns into bitter coldness and everything that would happen between them would only be left forgotten. 

Which was precisely why he didn't want to show up here in the first place, but what choice does he have now at this point. 

"Alright, prepare your ray guns and let's move out." Dodgers ordered as the others grab ahold of their weapons from their side pouches and followed him outside to join with the Martian solders for the big battle.

Once everyone left the room, just as Dodgers knew better, the Queen curled into a sly smile and chuckled. 

Hm hm. Have fun being my little hero, Captain. She thought amusedly before sitting back down in her throne while waiting for all of the action to unfold before her. 

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