Chapter 7

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When Aurora and Dodgers got to the Docks, they saw that Cadet, Dr. Grebsiew, S.O.A.S.A.B and Captain Star Johnson, who were already right there next to a large gray ship that resembled a lot like a "Guardians Of The Galaxy" look while discussing plans with Queen Tyr'ahnee over everything that needed to be covered during the trip.

Dodgers was able eavesdrop from a safe distance and got a glimpse of what specifically they were mentioning in the mission that included supplies and other possible raiding sites.


This woman.

I'll never be able to get her off my back if I don't do something.

Dodgers thought, irritated as he tried to come up with some way of keeping her from gathering much suspension on him.

Until, he was suddenly interrupted by one of guys who had noticed him from afar and walked over to him.

"Ah, Dodgers. I take it that you had a good sleep, this morning. We were just discussing about the quantities of fuel energy and the amount of quantum radiation levels that it holds" S.O.A.S.A.B informed in a nerdy cheerful mood.

"I see. Well, can you tell the Queen that we very much appreciated this gift and that we'll be on our way out, soon?" Dodger said while trying to look over to see if Queen Tyr'ahnee was watching.

Only to find out how glaring her cold eyes had pressed on from the intense stare that the two are silently facing.

He knew right then that the faster they leave the planet, the better.

"Right away Captain." S.O.A.S.A.B said happily as he rushes over to tell the others while Aurora glanced over to him with a worried look on her face.

She figured that he wouldn't hurry up this much about it unless there's something that he's not telling her.

"Dodgers, what is it?" Aurora asked.

"You're not going to believe me if I tell you." Dodgers said in a tone so serious, that Aurora knew was not a good sign.

"Try me." Aurora said within the same level of seriousness as his tone.

"The Queen. She's watching us. She wants something more than just mere supplies." Dodgers explained, bluntly.

"What?! Why is she..." Aurora was going to ask while turning in his direction until she was immediately cut off.

"Don't look at her! It'll only make it worse" Dodgers warned in a hushed whisper that was enough to cause Aurora to look back at him, just in time before the Queen saw her reaction.

"Then what can I do about it?" Aurora asked.

"Just follow my lead for now and when the coast is clear, I'll explain to you more about it, in private." Dodgers planned.

"Okay, so what do I tell the others?" Aurora asked.

"Nothing. You can not tell a single word to anyone about this. Not even to your piggy boyfriend over there. This has to be between us, only. No one else can know because it's not something that they would understand." Dodgers informed as Aurora starts to decipher whether to go along with this abrupt, sudden plan in mind.

At first, she was hesitate to agree to this and couldn't understand why the whole anxiety of the situation was so urgent in secrecy.

Because she initially thought that it might be nothing more than another way of Dodgers telling her that he wants to avoid his ex-crush.

Until another wondering thought suggested that this is much more serious and could put the whole galaxy in danger.

Which would place her on an important decision between now and the future that the team will hold onto for the remainder of the apocalypse.

My Whole World: A Baffy Side Ending Sequel to my 'Love Without Limitations'Where stories live. Discover now