Chapter 9

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After Dodgers was able to put all of his tools and weeks' worth of food in his carrier bag, he then walks back towards the center of the ship, only for him to hear more lecture talk from Cadet, who was more nervous and frightened by the sudden news of his lone departure.

"Are you insane?! You want us to leave you on that deserted planet all by yourself?!" Cadet yelled out in a panic.

"I'm sorry Cadet, but this is the plan that me and Aurora had agreed on." Dodgers said as Cadet attempts to stop his friend from leaving.

"B...but we're supposed to be a team." Cadet said, sadly.

"We are. I'm just doing what I can to protect my friends. I don't want you guys to get hurt on my behalf." Dodgers explained sympathetically. 

"Then how are you supposed to get back?" Cadet asked.

"I'll figure out a way." Dodgers answered.

"You'll say that now but what if you can't find what you're looking for? Then..." Cadet tried to say until he was interrupted.

"Then, I'll be stuck there for a little bit longer. But you won't have to worry about any of that. I already have everything that I need. It's okay Cadet, I got this." Dodgers calmly answers his question with a faint smile while placing his hand on Cadet's shoulder in reassurance. 

He knows that he couldn't promise too much to his team about guaranteeing his success of finding 404 and allying up with the robot's group against the wrath of the Queen. 

But it was his only shot and he'll have to do what he can to save humanity for everyone around him, at all costs. 

"Alright. Well, if you must, then good luck Captain. Remember to stay safe and we'll be back to get you as soon as we can." Cadet adamantly confirms while Dodgers simply nodded his head so the poor guy wouldn't worry too much. 

"I know you will. Just remember to get everyone else out of there, first. I'm counting on each and every one of you to help out with this mission. No matter what happens, we do what we can to protect our people. Galactic Protectorate will be proud to know how brave and courageous their space soldiers have become. They will all be honored to have called you guys' heroes. And as for me, I will do what I can to gather as many more fighters as we can to defeat the enemy's' armies and finally put an end to this war. But until then, I will see you all on the other side" Dodgers announced in his emotional leave speech with all of the group members around him, on the brink of tears.

Except of course for Captain Star Johnson, who was delightfully glad to be rid of Dodgers but also pretended to be sad just for the show of it. 

Once the ship reached to a safe spot, it lowered down with a back hatch open right before Dodgers immediately hops off with his bag slung onto his back and waved goodbye to his team while the ship slowly closes up its door up and zoomed away at a fasting speed.  

Leaving Dodgers to do his part of the mission as he continues on with his journey in the mysterious and very hot, blistering desert planet of Jupitar. 


For the next several hours, Dodgers had patiently searched the grounds of the planet on foot until he realizes that there might not be any form of life for the next 100 miles up ahead. 

So, he decided that he would take a water break from there and was fixing to sit down, but before he could do anything further, he suddenly heard a voice from behind him.  

To which had jolted him up severely, like a shiver down his spine.  

"So, it's you again. How did you find me here?" the voice boomed as Dodgers whips around to see 404 in the flesh with an unusual serious and unwelcoming look on his face.  

As if he wasn't expecting Dodgers to track him down so soon. 

Or that is, anytime at all. 

"404? Is that you? Ah man, its finally good to see you again." Dodgers said relived with a smile, that was somehow to his surprise, a complete opposite to how 404 was reacting, right now. 

"What are you doing here?" 404 asked in a sharp tone with his arms crossed. 

"I need your help." Dodgers informed, hoping to push aside some of the awkward offset behavior, but 404 still didn't budge. 

"Can't, I work alone. Now go home before things get messy. Folks around here don't take too kindly to outsiders, you know." 404 warned rudely before turning around to leave, with Dodgers following him, right behind. 

"No wait, you don't understand. They're coming for you." Dodgers pleaded. 

"Who is?" 404 asked, still walking away from him and at a faster speed, but Dodgers was still able to catch up to him. 

"The Queen. She knows that you have her supplies and she's very angry. She'll..." Dodgers tried to explain until he was cut off. 

"I can take her down by myself. So just call your team to pick you up and go back to wherever you come from. You don't belong here." 404 bashed on, but luckily Dodgers doesn't give up so easily and tries again to reason with him.  

"Listen to me 404, that's not all she had in mind. There's more that you need to know about her." Dodgers initially warned right as 404 immediately stop in his tracks and turns around to face him, finally. 

"What are you talking about?" 404 asked, in tone of suspicion. 

"She..." Dodgers tried to say until he was cut off from a large crowd of noise and spear piercings as the two then glance over at the direction of the sound. 


She must have followed me here!

Dodgers thought in a panic.

Good thing his team had already left hours ago. 

Because the war was now just getting started. 

"Is that her?" 404 asked bluntly without moving his head, as if he could read his mind in a moment's notice. 

But Dodgers didn't have to answer for 404 to confirm his question as waves his hand over in a signal that means to follow along. 

"Alright come on, we're going to have to lay low somewhere before we can think of a plan soon. I got some tools and gear back at that'll come in handy." 404 said with Dodger, once again confused by his words and rhetorically decides to ask to confirm it. 

"Wait! Does that mean..." Dodgers was going to ask before it was already answered for him.

"Yes, you can stay here. But you have to do exactly what I say and when I say it, if you want to survive. Otherwise, I can't be there to cover for you, if you end up getting caught in the deep end. Is that understood?" 404 instructed. 

"Yes." Dodgers agreed with a quick nod. 

"Then follow me. My home is right around here from a two-mile radius up ahead. You will be safe there for now." 404 affirmed as the two walk together on a much slower pace, to Dodger's relief. 

Although it was tough to even have a simple talk with the stubborn guy, he had a feeling that it was going to be a long haul before he can ever get closer to the truth about their past. 

Because as far as he knows, 404's demeanor is way different than what he had envisioned when the 'Bugs' version of him was gripping onto his memories and dreams, endlessly.

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