Chapter 12

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Once Dodgers got enough space, away from most of the underground villagers, he then begin to close his eyes and visualizes more of their past that started to play through his head.

It was all there.


From the moment that they fell in love.

Til the time when two had begin to go on that fateful and possibly a more memorable date.

Which was a full day of having breakfast at a nice cafe.

Playing a rematch at the bowling alley.

Enjoying a sit-down movie in a futuristic theater.

Skated around the center of an ice skating rink.

And even singing a duet song of karaoke with a cup of warm hot chocolate in their hands.

Before having a nice backyard-style dinner and exploring the luxurious maze-like gardens, with a balcony porch included, at the top of it's beautiful landmark.

Where they eventually shared a life-changing first kiss.

Until the following day when he felt betrayed over a lie that had caused him to push away from Bugs once more.

Before seeing him back on earth.

Where Bugs was able to do right again.

It was all there.

The rush of the agony and the pain that it gave both of them.

The anticipation of what would be next for their future.


They even got married and had adopted a family together.

But somehow an anomaly had caused Bugs to go back in time once more and erased all of that from existence.

Leaving Dodgers to be the only true one to feel these experiences that they both share together.

His eyes then started to drip tears that slightly fell from the corner of his eyes.

He can start to feel his heart breaking into two and clung onto his chest tightly with his hand.

Wondering how he'll ever survive being stuck to face this kind of memory alone.

And why....

Wouldn't the one guy that he had been looking for all this time....

Refused to accept any of it.

He then took a quiet moment or two to think, with hopefully some answers in mind.

Until suddenly he heard footsteps from behind him and turned to see that it was 404, who wanted to check on him out of guilt that he might have been a bit too offensive back there.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want?" Dodgers asked in irritation while roughly rubbing the tears off of his eyes so that 404 wouldn't notice that he was crying.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't mean to blow up like that. I just didn't think that any of it meant that much to you." 404 apologized sincerely.

But Dodger's heart was too shattered to take it so nicely.

"Yeah, well you're the one to talk about importance. I'm trying my best to recover what little memory I have left in me. Including searching for the one guy that I was hoping could tell me more about the peaceful life that I have been living in. While you on the other hand, basically denied about who you are. Especially about the fact that he was once you in the past." Dodgers said, angrily with now 404 changing expressions as if he was struck with a football on his shoulders.

"Hey! That's not fair and you know it. Some of us in here don't remember nothing about the past." 404 yelled back, furiously.

"Well neither did I! I didn't even have a single clue about who I was myself until.... I saw him... in my dreams. Bugs.... He was my best friend. My only friend. And for some reason I felt more connected to him than I ever did with my own people back at The Station. I just... wanted to see him again and I was hoping that if you knew about could find yourself to be him." Dodgers explained sadly, with his voice cracking a little as 404 suddenly changed expressions and tried to think about what to say next to him.

Because he even though he couldn't quite understand what Dodgers was going through.

He knew that he was just as lost as he was.

And needed a way to be found again.

".....I know it's hard to take in everything like this. Believe me, I've been there. But if I have to be honest, the past may simply be the past for a good reason. So that we can look forward to the future......When I first arrived to this place. I was angry. And probably because of the fact that I had no recollection of what happened to me before I even came. I had nothing to look forward to and...I was empty in my own world. Searching for answers. I even almost succeeded in leaving this place not too long ago. Before I joined in the raiding aid team to help." 404 admitted, much to Dodgers surprise, who then turned to look at him in understanding.

"What changed your mind?" Dodgers asked curiously, now wondering if this rabbit really has a heart after all.

"Well it wasn't that easy but I had a friend who was able to convince me to stay. As he once said in quote; 'it doesn't matter what choices you have made in the past because all that matters now is what you decide to do for yourself and others today'. Those words ever since then got me to do some thinking and I took his words to heart by helping the people around who were lost and needed some kind of hope to get them through it all. Which...I guess was how I was able to meet you that day." 404 said, his smile starting to grow a little.

"Heh, either that or it was just simply another way of calling it fate." Dodgers joked with a laugh.

"Yeah, as if that scientist had a crystal ball in his hands that can magically predict all of that crap." 404 said, rolling his eyes.

"Well honestly, he was pretty right about everything so far. I mean he did say that you would be successful in your past life. To which, technically you are still holding that title like a pro champion." Dodgers complimented slyly in a tease.

"Okay mr. wise guy. Now you're just giving me too much credit." 404 said with a 'really?' look on his face.

Which made Dodgers really want to tease him.

"Pfft. Says the guy who invented the Time Machine in the 21st century." Dodgers said with a smirk.

"Very funny." 404 said sarcastically as the two laughed off the rest of their worries before suddenly looking at each other in the eyes and changed expressions.

At that point, something inside both of their hearts had now begun to change as well.

"Hey....can we start over? I want to be able to get to know you. The real you. And not just for having familiar face." Dodgers asked with his face blooming over red while rubbing his neck nervously.

He was afraid that this might not go well for the guy, who might still be adamant about working alone.

But thoughtfully and surprisingly to him....

404 was just thinking the same thing.

"Yeah, I think we can do that. Because between me and you, I liked to get to know the real you too." 404 said with a small glow in his smile that somehow made Dodger's heart feel fuzzy inside.

The atmosphere at this point, was now warm and had a glimpse of hope in its nature.

As the two begin to walk back towards 404's lair and continued to talk about anything and everything that runs through their minds.

Where the city had now circled itself to become a part of their world.

My Whole World: A Baffy Side Ending Sequel to my 'Love Without Limitations'Where stories live. Discover now