Chapter 6

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The next morning, near the hour of noon, came around in a snooze as Dodgers, who woke up way later than the rest of his team, got out of his bed, stretched his limbs and went to the bathroom, next door to his room to clear off his face.

While looking in the mirror, he sees several spots of redness marks on his face from laying down with his arm propped up to his head, crusty eyes, his hair ruffled and dried up saliva that was left on the corner of his mouth from his unconscious drooling in his sleep.

But other than that, nothing out of the ordinary has changed.

So why did it feel like something has?

He had no idea.

Because to him, it was still all a mystery and blur to his mind.

Just like it has been, the previous nights before.

But whatever it may be, he was still determined to get to the bottom of this.

To find the truth in all of the recurring visions that have been plaguing his mind for years.

No matter the cost.

So, with that in mind, he resumed to washing the grit out of his face before drying off with a towel and made his way towards the dining hall area of the palace to join his team for a hot homemade breakfast from the kitchen.

Hoping to ask a couple of friends for advice in this matter, whenever he can.

Course, when he got there, he knew better than to think that he was not expecting any peacefulness, yet.

As Cadet, whose nagging reads off as a mad hamster, makes him roll his eyes while he watches his friend talking nonsense, that he really doesn't feel like he needed to hear in the morning.

"C.. Captain Dodgers! W...where have you been?! W...we've been expecting you, hours ago! should have already eaten! A...and if we don't hurry up, We're going to be late for our mission! T...time is ticking by on our hands!" Cadet rants on with a huff of frustration in his tone, that tells you how formal he is with scheduling.

Especially when he tries to plan out his team's events for every hour, of every day as head coordinator of the group.

To which, was really a fake job that Dodgers had to give him to keep him busy.

That now he utterly regrets during the morning times of the day.

Thankfully, Cadet's laid-back girlfriend and head of the weaponry enforcements, Aurora, took him to the side so that he can give Dodgers, a break for the moment.

"Oh relax, sweet cheeks. He's just had bad morning, that's all." Aurora said smoothly while giving Cadet a small kiss to the cheek with her arms wrapped around his neck in a hug.

Although it sounded cheesy and cringey to many people, it was one of the only ways to get him off of anyone's back for once as the little guy's tension soon started to loosen in its grip. 

"Y...your right Aurora. M...Maybe I am just overreacting. S...sorry I got so carried away." Cadet said, in a now, calmer tone.

That's okay, why don't you head on over to the others and check up on those ship repairs while I keep a close eye on him." Aurora offered with a bright smile that convinced him, so.

"Alright. I'll leave you to it then. C...Captain, when you're done with breakfast, meet me at the docks so that we can prep up and talk to the Queen about our plans for any travels that may come our way." Cadet instructed before letting go of Aurora's hand and waved goodbye to them, both before exiting the room. 

My Whole World: A Baffy Side Ending Sequel to my 'Love Without Limitations'Where stories live. Discover now