Chapter 11

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As the hologram projection widens in color, it had revealed itself to be two best friends named Bugs and Daffy, living together on a quiet suburban neighborhood.

"You two were roommates back in the early 2000s. Way before the NGP project even  exists. Working on fairly simple jobs. Dodgers, when you were Daffy in this timeline, you were a slacker who have been taking temp jobs and done nothing but sleep on the couch, watch TV, and eat food all day long using only your friend's money to get you by." Dr. Hansberg explained first to Dodgers.

"Geez, I didn't know I was that bad about being lazy. Might as well go back in time and get away from this crummy Captain job. It'd be early retirement for me." Dodgers joked sarcastically as 404 rolled his eyes at him in annoyance.

"And 404, when you were Bugs, you were the breadwinner of the house and was the inventor of the carrot peelers. A successful invention at its best." Dr. Hansberg informed next as a compliment.

"Ha! A carrot peeler? That's ridiculous." 404 said with a laugh.

"True, it was silly. But back in the day, it was new and different. And the people there loved it. But that's not the ultimate product. You had bigger plans in mind. Because not too long later on, you made a better invention that could change the course of time forever.  Known as the first ever Time Machine in history's ages." Dr. Hansberg presented in utter amazement.

While both Dodgers and 404 dropped jaws.


Dodgers thought in confusion as a sudden ping of aching pain in his head.

"Ow! Why did that..." Dodgers was going to say 'hurt', rubbing his head irritated, until he suddenly looked at the projection and saw that it had been switching forward within the timeline, since the memory chips are partially  based on what they're thinking in their minds.

It went from a regular simple day at the house, to the day that they fought.

The same day where everything had fell apart on their friendship.

"Actually as a matter of fact, I do have a time machine and if I were to use it right now, I'd use it to get away from you!" Bugs yelled in the projection.

"Me? Why? I thought we are best friends!" Daffy shouted back.

"We are not best friends. You're just a pathetic bum that I had to put up with for so long. You've accomplished nothing in life since you got here and I just about had enough of it. I'm leaving."  Bugs said before leaving to the basement while Daffy walked away, hurt.

With only a few seconds later, showing in the memory that a blue light had shone out brightly from underneath.

Meaning that he traveled from there to space.

Dodgers's face at that point, had started to frown in disbelief and disappointment as the hologram projection then begin to sped up a little bit through more time to when Bugs first arrived on the ship in the future of that timeline, where he saw Daffy in a space suit after waking up from an unexpected fainting during his travels.

"What the....Daffy?"

"The name is Captain Dodgers. Duck Dodgers. I don't know where you get this 'daffy' or 'porky' from, but clearly you are either on the wrong planet or you're from the past earth time, now which is it?" Captain Dodgers asked rudely in the projection.

"Daffy its me Bugs. You don't remember me? We were best friends. Roommates for 5 years." Bugs said with his eyes soft and sad.

The projection screened out as Dr. Hansberg begin to observe the two with only Dodgers so far, changing expressions from the emotional roller coaster of these memories.

My Whole World: A Baffy Side Ending Sequel to my 'Love Without Limitations'Where stories live. Discover now