Chapter 5

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When Dodgers and his team made it back towards the palace by foot, they noticed that the Martian soldiers were all lying on the ground, passed out.

And as they walked a bit closer, they can see from afar the furious look from the General along with the Queen right beside him, wearing a displeased expression across her face.  

"Well, I'm afraid too you're all too late. My men were shot down and those rascals got away with our stuff." Queen Tyr'ahnee said while shaking her head, disappointed. 

"Any casualties?" Dr. Grebsiew asked, curiously. 

"Sigh. No, they were all stunned with tasers, so I think just some bedrest will suffice for them." Queen Tyr'ahnee said while rubbing her forehead, annoyed. 

Dodgers then immediately narrowed his eyes at the word 'stunned' and thought back to what 404 had said to him, earlier. 

My group doesn't kill.

We would never endanger lives like that.

The rabbit's words flowed through his mind before he starts to recognize the genuineness in his motto and widen his eyes in surprise.   

So, he is telling the truth.

But does that still make me a criminal for letting him and his men go free with those supplies?

Dodgers wondered on while the conversation continued on from the others. 

"B... but we've already arrested all of them. How did they even escape?" Cadet asked worriedly in a panic.  

"Yes well, everyone was held on restraints until a little bot swooped on in and untied all of his friends. I believed that your jobs would have been to be finished earlier if SOMEONE didn't let a little rabbit out his sight" Queen Tyr'ahnee said while glaring at Dodgers, suspiciously. 

"Hey, don't look at me toots. It's not my fault that your men couldn't keep up with them. If you wanted to blame someone, then let your general over there take the rap for your mess. He's the one that should be accounted for his failure to stop them, not me." Dodgers said, bitterly which quickly offended the General in a haste. 

"Watch your tone sir or I'll have you obliterated." General X-9 threatened while loading up his blaster gun in a glow, with his dog, K-9, growling beside him. 

"It's alright General, just get your men inside. We'll have to come up with another plan to get those supplies back." Queen Tyr'ahnee instructed. 

"Yes, your highness." General X-9 said as he rushes over to some of the soldiers that were regaining consciousness and help assisted them on carrying in the rest of the army.

"Anyways, I really must be heading inside soon so that I can arrange for a special meeting with my people. However, as I said to you before, a promise is a promise and you guys are our new allies. So, is there anything in particular that you would like to use for your journey? Because 'm afraid that our stock will just be a bit short at the moment."  Queen Tyr'ahnee asked in a light sarcastic tone that only Dodgers knew with his stern eyes glaring at her. 

"Ah yes, your majesty. Perhaps a ship would be more of an appropriate resource for our mission. After all, we did do our part and what better way of returning the favor than by borrowing your ship to track down those terrible no-good thieves. Once we captured them again, we'll return back your stuff. So, what do you say gorgeous, do have one ready to go for us today?" Captain Star Johnosn asked with a charming smile that brightened up and showing teeth. 

Oh brother. 

 Dodgers thought, rolling his eyes in annoyance. 

"Hmm, you make a good point. Tell you what, why don't you stay over tonight in the palace guest bedrooms, and I'll have my mechanics fix up and upgrade a ship for you, first thing in the morning." Queen Tyr'ahnee suggested.

My Whole World: A Baffy Side Ending Sequel to my 'Love Without Limitations'Where stories live. Discover now