Chapter 3

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When Dodgers and his team joined alongside with the Martian army outside, they saw that it was pure chaos.

All of the green martians at the time, were hiding behind sandy boulder rocks and are firing multiple laser-like shots at the robot-like creatures with their ray guns.

The scene even almost looked like a "Star Wars" battle with the stormtroopers shooting their blasters in action!

"Geez. The general wasn't kidding when he said that the robots were attacking them. Man what a sight." Dodger said with a hidden ironic laugh in his tone as Cadet's face quickly started to pale up with sweat from the atrocity of the situation and panicked.

"T...that's it. We're dead." Cadet mumbled in misery.

"Oh sweetie, don't talk like that. It'll be fine. Just stay close to me, honey. Now come on everyone! A hero's duty is not done without a fight! Charge!" Aurora yelled out as the whole team then begin to run off quick with their own weapons at hand and started attacking the robots while Dodgers jolted in surprise at the early start of it all.

"Wait Aurora! I didn't...." Dodger tried to call out but it was too late and sighed tiredly.

"....sigh give the word out, yet.....Ugh. Great." Dodgers said to himself while pitching his nose in annoyance.

What's the use of me being captain if nobody wants to listen a word that I say half the time.

Dodgers thought, grumbling while slowly joining in on the battlefield as well with his weapon.

After several hours passed on by with numerous amounts of the robots being knocked out and placed into NASA custody, since the Earth law forbid any of the space rangers from executing them, they were able to recover a lot of the weapons that were stolen from these mysterious outsiders and officially saved the day.

When the area was swept up of its mess, a little Martian man walked up to the team along with the general X-9 and his dog to thank them for the back-up support.

"Thank you so much earthlings. How may we repay you for your service?" General X-9 asked politely.

"Easy, we would like to initiate our deal and become your allies." Aurora stated as Dodgers rolled his eyes at the whole thing.

He just wanted to get this all over with, so that they can come back to Earth and help their own people move out of the planet safely.

The alliance didn't even have to be permanent.

It just needed to be enough for them to survive this apocalyptic mess that they're now getting themselves into and head home when ready.

"Yeah and give us some of those supplies that you have there while you're at it too." Dodgers sarcastically blunt as Aurora nudged him roughly on the shoulder with her elbow.

"Don't be rude." Aurora whispered to him harshly.

"It is no problem at all earthlings. We will give you whatever means necessary to take for your long journey." General X-9 answered politely while whispering a couple of orders to his little assistant so that he can pass it along to the rest of the troops to bring them in bundles of food, medicines, and such to them.

As the team waited a couple minutes for the stuff, Dodgers then whispered to Aurora an idea while the martians weren't looking.

"As soon as we grab the supplies, we get back on the ship and we're leaving this joint." Dodgers planned.

"What?! No Dodgers, we're staying here. We need her." Aurora whispered back, angrily.

"We don't need her. We can handle this mission on our own." Dodgers insisted which made Aurora irritated by his childish behavior.

"Stop it Dodgers! You're acting like a..." Aurora was about to say until everyone heard a Martian from afar yell.

"Hey! Get back here with our equipment!" The Martian said as a mysterious, tall hidden figure exited out of a tent and started to run towards a small ship.

"I got this guys." Dodgers said quickly as he runs to the team's ship and started chasing after the thief.

The two ships then begin to fly all around the planet in a cat and mouse like game as Dodgers attempts to slow him down with missiles but kept missing the targets.

Geez why can't this guy quit already?

I'm getting really sick from going around so much.

Ay ay ay

Dodgers thought dizzily while trying to stop the guy but nothing was working.

While he begins to look around for other buttons to press, he quickly look up at the windshield and panics when a sudden oncoming red rock flys towards the front end of the ship!

"Ahhhh!" Dodgers screamed while he quickly yanks the sterling wheel in an attempt to bypass the rock but was still slightly hit by its edges as the wings begin break off from the damage.

Soon, the ship started to sink down in a fast hurling crash fall!

Dodgers wanted to scream some more, but the panic inside him won't prepare him for what might be coming next as the ship lands in a hard heavy thud.

The impact of the crash had caused Dodgers to sustain an injury to the head, with the tip edges of it bleeding from the top as slowly ran down his face.

He tried to escape, but the door panels were smashed in and he didn't have the strength to carry on much further so, he decide to slowly lie down in pain.

This is it.

I only have two options now.

One, I'm going to slowly die from this mess.

Or two, I make it out of there alive, but then I'll be scolded for life by Aurora when I get back for destroying the ship. I go.

Dodger thought as closed his eyes and waited for unexpected fate to take him.

Unless of course, his team can find him on time and break him out.

But surprisingly, neither happened.

As the door panel begins to loosen and break, he then opens back up his eyes and sees that he was in the process of being saved.

But not by who he thinks it is.

When he notices that it was someone unfamiliar, he then starts to get confused.

Huh?! Why...

Dodgers thought, dizzily while taking a closer look at his 'savior' and sees that the figure inside was a tall bunny-like robot in a red suit with long crippled ears and mesmerizing red eyes with mechanical arms while wearing the hooded cape.

The robot then bend its knees to lower itself to the ground and examined Dodgers closely face to face with curious eyes.

Dodgers, in a sweating nervous panic, was about to question the guy's motive before he suddenly blacked out from his injuries.

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