Chapter 8

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As the team's ship roars on into the black abyss of voided space, Dodgers continues to monitor the whereabouts of the black hole and other obstacles outside, using a futuristic device while the others take their seats in the available chairs of the area and their role of shipwork such as flight, weaponry and other necessary duties that comes with flying a ship.

"So where to Captain?" S.O.A.S.A.B asked while he sat down on the main pilot chair of the ship with the wheel, tightly gripped to his little hands.

"Jupiter please." Dodgers bluntly stated while the little scientist turns his head towards him and gave him a confusion expression on his face.

"Jupiter?! But Captain, are you sure that it's a good idea for us to travel there? You know... because it's right next to Mars and the black hole could be inching closer to us at any time...." S.O.A.S.A.B reminded, referring to the catastrophic black hole that could eat away this planet too if they stop, but Dodger's patience wasn't giving in to this notion.

"Yes! Sigh.... Sorry. Please try to take us there if you can. This is very important. We have to know what else is out there and who can help us with this mission." Dodgers insisted right before S.O.A.S.A.B eventually decided to drop his concerns to the side and took his word for it.

"Okay then, I'll see what I can do." S.O.A.S.A.B agrees with a shrug, assuming that he'll be able to trust Dodgers enough to know what he's doing, since he is the major captain of the crew team.

Dodgers then, takes his eyes off of his screening device and looks around to see if there is a storage room or something more private, so that he can finish explaining to Aurora what the rest of his plan will be.

He saw that one of the only rooms in the ship that has enough room for them both to fit is the bunkered crew rooms, which was filled with as many as 20 beds that were made for large teams and called out to her.

"Psst! Aurora! Can you come over here for a moment?" Dodgers whispered loudly as the others look on over at the two with odd expressions on their faces while watching Aurora's still-face reaction.

"Sure." Aurora replied bluntly as if she knew what she was doing and followed with Dodgers over to the bunkered room to talk.

When they were gone, rumors then started to kick in quick, quietly in their minds.

Including Captain Star Johnson's, who liked nothing more than juicy gossip and drama, just so that he can mess around with the others and get a rise out of them.

He smiled slyly as he leaned over to Cadet and started taunting him.

"Hey Cadet, what do you think they're up to right now?" Captain Star Johnson said with a crooked smile.

"O..oh I don't know..." Cadet said while twiddling around his fingers, nervously.

He's never been so fearful of his own insecurities in his life.

Sure, everyone around Aurora was crushing on her at least once or twice when she first arrived at the Galactic Protectorate.

But, seeing how someone as beautiful as her, could be taken so easily away in a moment's notice by anyone, the minute he's not with her, scares him even more.

"You don't think that they're secretly together, do you?" Star Johnson asked as Cadet immediately jumps out of his seat and denies any of his accusations, with his face redden in anger by how low he was talking down to both of them.

"W..what?! No way! T... that would never happen! Aurora loves me! And she'd tell me if she didn't. And Dodgers is my best friend, he would never back stab me like that, ever!" Cadet insisted in a sputtering range of emotions.

My Whole World: A Baffy Side Ending Sequel to my 'Love Without Limitations'Where stories live. Discover now