Chapter 13

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A few hours passed by into the underground city as 404 and Dodgers took the time to discuss a common goal for their people.

Including moving everyone out from both of their planets, so that they could seek refuge in the new mystery planet, Saturn.

"So what's the plan?" 404 asked.

"What do you mean?" Dodgers said, confused.

"You know, when you've finally found the perfect place away from the black hole and save your people from a catastrophe. What's next for you?" 404 asked, curiously.

"Oh. I don't know. I'm just trying keep the people that I care about and their families safe from the strong gravitational pull that could suck any of them into the unknown. But honestly, in all of my years working for the space station, I have never seen an actual black hole before. It's like a bad bedtime story coming to life and I'm basically responsible for keeping them all alive. Their lives depend on me." Dodgers informed gravely.

"I understand that but I think we both know that we're in over our heads with this idea. It's insanely difficult to make across without using a big ship to carry the capacity of that many people over. And plus, how do we even know if any of this could work? Saturn could be nothing but a myth. On top of that, we have this crazy lunatic you call a 'Queen' driving up our tails." 404 expressed, shaking his head at the headache of it all.

"I know the risks. And I realize that it's going to take a lot more than just the two of us to stop her and reach the planet on time with every single one of those species on board. But what good of a purpose would I have if I didn't try. I'm their captain and I may not be the best at leading, but it's my job to protect them and I'm going to keep that promise." Dodgers insisted.

"Well..." 404 was going to say until a random individual bursted into the area, on high alert.

"404! We have intruders on the perimeter of the underground." A random raider with goggles and sand desert scarf around his neck.

"What do they look like?" 404 asked, confused.

"How should I know? One of them is this short midget pink blob with 4 humans in weird costumes" the raider said with a shrug before taking off to join the others in a potential defense fight against the so-called invaders.

Instantly, Dodgers was able to piece together who the raider was talking about and widened his eyes in a panic.

"*Gasp! Wait! Stop! Don't shoot them! They're with me." Dodgers pleaded out to the raider but was too late as he watches the guy race off in a hurry.

"Haha. Let me guess, that's your crew from the last time that we met?" 404 asked rhetorically, with a chuckle.

"Yes. And you have to tell your people to stop their attacks. They could get killed. They're not there to hurt anyone they just want to rescue me because they think that I'm in danger." Dodgers explained in a panic.

"Don't worry, I got you. Come on, I know a shortcut to the border of the underground." 404 insists as Dodgers follows him through a secret tunnel, that is typically used for emergencies in case foreigners attack their land, and races over to the other side of the barrier.


Thankfully, they made it on time as the ship carrying Dodgers crew docked its landing had and just started to open up its door, revealing Dodger's team all in one bunch group.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay, sir. We thought you were a real goner there." S.O.A.S.A.B said with a sign of relief.

"See? I told you guys that he would be fine." Aurora said before winking at Dodgers, since she was the only one who knew the real plan, but had to go along with the others to keep from blowing up her cover.

My Whole World: A Baffy Side Ending Sequel to my 'Love Without Limitations'Where stories live. Discover now