Chapter 14

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After Dodgers finished explaining on everything that he knows of his past, including the memory video logs about the experiment and his previous life, he could see now by the looks of the crew's faces that they were all saddened and disappointed by their own friend's deception.

Except for Captain Star Johnson of course, who was very delighted to see that he can finally call him a fraud after all those years in the service.

"I don't believe this.... You're telling me that you were from the past planet earth this entire time?! Why didn't tell us that before you became captain in the first place?" Aurora asked with her hands on her hips, demanding for a reason on why he would do such a thing to the very people he could call his family.

"Because.... I was scared you wouldn't accept me into your home. But overall, I was more concerned of the fact that if I didn't have some kind of importance in my work history, than you would just kick me out of your space station and desert me in the middle of nowhere. Just like um...some people did." Dodgers said while looking over at 404, wondering about how much he had to go through, the whole moment he was rejected as an experiment.

It made his heart hurt, thinking about how long he had to make it out on his own.

All alone and outcasted in a planet that was lacking so much resources.

"B..but you lied to us! could you do that? W...we were your friends?!" Cadet asked in a sputter.

"I know and I'm sorry. I wish I could have told you all sooner. But the truth is, I didn't know half of my own past life after the experiment somehow erased my memories. And while I did in fact, personated as a captain, I just simply played along with what I could fit in at the moment. And then, one day, before I knew it... I had those dreams about a certain someone that I have been wanting to find for a very long time. And after discovering what I needed to see in order to recover what I lost during that time....I understand who I truly am. Who I was meant to be. Even'll take my entire life to make it up to them." Dodgers explained before him and 404 turned their heads with a smile. 

While the others paused in silence, now feeling bad on how they were initially concluding about his intentions with the false identity.

As 404 was about to say something to add on in support of his bravery to being an honest friend.

Until a particular individual sourly ruins the moment with his horrible mockery of a laugh.

"Hahahaha!" Captain Star Johnson roared on, like it was all but a joke.

"I'm sorry. Do you have something to say?" Dr. Grebsiew asked, folding his arms, disappointed.

"Ha! Oh man. Are you kidding me? Do you really believe that his sob story is going to excuse for what he did? You realize that he had committed treason on governmental grounds. And by unprofessional terms, lead a group of nobodies who can't even steer a ship without crashing into the ditch." Star Johnson sneered on rudely at them.

Which pretty much peeved off everyone in the room.

Including 404, who at this point, was ready to raise his fists and give him a piece of his mind.

Until someone else spoke up for Dodgers.

"Hey, give him a break. We're not all perfect in this world, you know. And yes, he did make a mistake. But that doesn't change the fact that he is still the best captain we've ever had on this team. Because he is a good leader and cares enough to willingly help all the species of the universe, unlike you." S.O.A.S.A.B defended loudly, poking his finger on the captain's chest, who now feels irked by the annoyance of his presence getting in the way.

"You better watch what you say, kid. Before I throw you and the rest of them in the prison cells for participating as accomplices to the traitor."  Star Johnson threatened to his face right as 404 pulled the scientist safely out of the way and quickly grabbed the captain roughly by the collar of his shirt in a tight hold.

"I don't think so. Right now you're in MY territory and if you ever think so much as to throw anything of them in the slammers or ruin their jobs by any means necessary. Then I will make sure that you'll be getting a new welcoming treatment by my army guards right here. So is that in any way, clear to you?" 404 warned him before pushing Star Johnson over to the ground.

"Grr. Fine. But don't think that this will stop me from saying something to the governmental    board back at the space station. I'll be waiting back at the ship, if anyone needs me." Star Johnson said, patting his shirt off for any wrinkles during the grip hold and storms his way back to the ship.

"Thank you sir, for the help. We didn't realize how much of a jerk he really is." S.O.A.S.A.B thanked shyly.

"Don't mention it. Any friend of Dodgers is a friend of mine." 404 said while looking at Dodgers who grinned at him and mouthed out 'thank you' as well.

While the others noticed the interaction and also have something that they need to say.

"And same goes for you too, long ears." Aurora agreed with a small joke before walking over to Dodgers and placed her hands on his shoulders in support.

"And I guess we all can't stay mad at you either for wanting finding yourself. It takes a lot of courage to go through that long journey as a person. Even if the past secrets is what makes us discover who we are inside. No matter how little of an experience you had as a crew member in the space world, you will always be our leader. And we couldn't be more proud to have you by our side." Aurora said as the whole group now gathers in on a big hug that is surrounding Dodgers, who was now feeling relieved of not losing the only family in his life.


Afterwards, the group then started to gather up on a few sets of equipment and supplies, that were given to them kindly by the people of the desert outcast planet, before heading inside the ship for the trip back to the Earth's Space Station.

"So, does this mean that you're leaving?" 404 asked once the crew was boarded on ship, except for Dodgers, who needed a few minutes to talk to him alone.

"Well, I could take you with me but I don't think it'll be easy letting in new strangers after everyone has been on edge of the whole apocalypse thing going around. But I promise, after the board accepts the emergency evacuation procedures, I'll be back to pick you up with a new ship to carry your people." Dodgers reassured him.

"That's okay. We can meet you guys to Saturn. We just need the coordinates to get there." 404 replied, modestly before they suddenly heard a voice booming nearby.

"On it Mr.! I can send you in the numbers, pronto!" S.O.A.S.A.B chipped in loudly from behind them in a startle.

"Pfft!" Both of them responded in laughter at the interruption itself.


Sweet kid.

404 thought before looking directly at Dodgers, eye to eye, and changed to a serious expressions, before telling him what had been on his mind.

"Hey, Dodgers.....if you and I were to be in a different era....the one where we last lived on earth together before the experiment occurred as Bugs and you think that we could have been really good friends?" 404 asked curiously.

"I believe that we would have been the best kind.....maybe even more." Dodgers said with a smile while 404 stared on, with his face feeling warm inside.

"Bye Hareway." Dodgers waved goodbye before turning around to climb aboard the ship.

And soon...took off with his crew back home.

Leaving 404 standing still in silence.

With his eyes saddened.

And his heart throbbingly beating against his chest.

As he watches the one person....

He now accepts to be his 'true soul bond'....

Fly away in the distance.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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