Chapter 4

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A while afterwards, Dodgers then slowly begin to wake up and lifts his body a little.

He notices that he is on a cot and has a head wrap around the outer edge of his head with deepened red marks that have indicated the damage from the fall.

He looked around and sees that he is definitely outside with that ship he had been chasing down all this time, opened and perched in its landing next to him.

It seems that whoever this thief was, also decided to turn his ship around and help him escape.

He immediately winced in pain while holding his head with the blackout easing its out of his system in a headache.

His blurry eyes then slowly reformed back to normal vision as he tries to speak up until the guy from the ship talked first while walking up towards him.

"Careful Doc, you have to rest easy on that head of yours if you ever want to recover. Here, take this, it'll make you feel better." The guy said while giving him a couple of pills and a fresh bottle of filtered water.

"Ugh. Why... did you save me?" Dodgers asked as he took pills and shallowed them quick with the water.

"I don't know. You just seemed like you needed help, so I did. Excuse me." The guy said while packing up a few things on his ship.

That's not an enough, I need to know more.

Dodgers thought, curiously as he attempts to speak up again.

"W...Wait! B...but you could have killed me or left me there to die there on that ship so, why didn't you?" Dodgers asked frantically.

He wanted to be sure what this guy's intention was.

Even if he was some random stranger passing along through the streets.

He deserves to know what kind of person would get involved in saving an Earth ranger without thinking about the risks of being arrested for stealing.

After a moment or so was left in silence, the guy then walked over to him to check on his head once more while answering his question.

"My group doesn't kill. We would never endanger lives like that. We were only here for the supplies and that's it. But now, I must be off soon, my people need me. So make sure to take plenty of rest before you venture out again. Don't worry, I'm not leaving you stranded. After I carried you out of your ship, I had went ahead and contacted your team by a radio signal. They should be here any minute now to come get you. It was nice meeting you stranger" The guy explained as he walks back over and turns on the engine of the ship while Dodgers looked over at him in surprised by the sudden kindness he was receiving from him.

Apart from the creepy eyes and the mechanical arms, he seemed to be not that bad of a guy after all and looked very much familiar too.


Dodgers thought while recollecting the similar features of the guy and started to compare.

He really does looks familiar.... that I think about it, he actually does reminds me of someone.....

Someone... in my dreams.

I can't quite get that image out of my head.

It's all blurry but...

He was nicer and we were....roommates?

His name was......

Dodgers thought until a sudden idea popped in his mind while the door panels were closing up as he tries to yell out his last words to him.

"Wait! Can you at least give me a name so that I can thank you for saving my life?" Dodgers screamed in a loud enough voice that the rabbit guy was able to hear as he walks over by the edges of the closing door and answers.

"The name is 404 and that's all you need to know. The next time we meet, it won't be so easy." 404 warned lightly in a sarcastic manner.

"Does this mean that I can see you again?" Dodgers asked, desperately.

I have to it him?

The one in my dreams?

Dodgers thought curiously as 404 curled his lips into a small smile and chuckled.

"Heh. We'll see." 404 lastly said with a wink before the doors close and his ship zoomed off quick like the wind.

It wasn't long later that Dodger's team, as predicted by the rabbit, had now run up to him from a distance in a panic.

"C...Captain Dodgers! Are you okay? What happened?" Cadet yelled out

"Sorry about that guys. I wrecked the ship and the thief got away." Dodgers said quietly while holding his head.

Actually it was more of letting him get away so that he can help his people.

It's the least that I could for helping me back there.

Dodgers thought, amusedly.

"That doesn't matter now, sugar. Are you alright? Can you walk?" Aurora asked, worriedly.

"Yeah I can." Dodgers nodded while slowly getting up from the cot before he winced a little from the recurring pain.

"Woah, easy there captain. You might want me to have a look at that head of yours before you go anywhere." Dr. Grebsiew advised.

"It's okay. I think I'll be alright. Besides I already took some pain medicine after he saved me." Dodgers explained as Aurora, Cadet and S.O.A.S.A.B all widen their eyes in shock.

"What?! Who?!" The three asked at once.

"The robot." Dodgers said bluntly.

"Wait a minute. He. saved you? Why?" Aurora asked, confused.

"I don't know. I've been asking myself the same question too, but I really don't know. He probably just felt obligated to do so because I was chasing him around so much for those supplies" Dodgers half lied while shrugging his shoulders.

He didn't want them to assume the worst, but tries to hint to them that the robots may not be their enemies after all.

Something else is going on around here and he has to keep an eye out for whatever it is first before his team an him can make any further moves.

"Well did he...." S.O.A.S.A.B was going to say until a beeping alert rang through from the other side of the planet.

"U...uh Guys! I t...think they need our help again." Cadet said nervously.

"Ugh. Let's go see what's up with them this time." Dodgers groaned as the team slowly walk back towards the palace grounds while helping him up on his feet.

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