Self Conscious

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Tw: Eating disorders

Takes place after the movie 👌

Camilo pov
I don't wanna get uppppp. I look at the time and see that its 7:30. I immediately groan and flop back down onto my bed. Mornings stinkkkk. I know its almost breakfast though and roll out of bed. Literally. I catch myself before actually hitting the ground though.

I stand up and drag myself to the bathroom to change. After I'm done, I look up, and look into my mirror. Why do I look so.. big? Like, around the cheeks and stomach. I look...round compared to everyone else that I've shapeshifted into.

I shapeshifted into Maribel and looked at her waist. She looks skinnier. I shapeshift into Isabella and immediately can tell thats she is perfect weight. I shapeshift into Tío Agustin and grow taller, only to tell that he was skinny too.

How can I fix this. 'Maybe stop eating so much' What? Did I think that? I know my gift needs more food to shapeshift I shake my head and shapeshift back into me. Immediately disgusted by the chubbiness in my cheeks. I walk out of my bathroom and out of my room.

"Hola Cami!" Maribel appears behind me and I jump in surprise.

"Oh- Hi Mari!" She smiles

"I was just about to make sure you were coming down. You weren't there yet, and your normally early to breakfast" She laughs and I just smile at the statement. I do don't I?

"Yea, Ima actually go down there now!" I smile big for her and turn around heading for the kitchen. Once I arive I grab some food, I kinda dose off into my plate

Should I grab more? I normally do, but I do need to loose weight.. I look for a second more before walking into the dining room and siting down. A bunch of conversations already started.

"Hey Camilo, you have less on your plate then normal" someone points out. I look up to see who but don't see who was talking but shrug it off then I see everyone still chating with other people.

"Camilo?" The person says again. I look up, more annoyed this time before realising that it was Isabella talking

"Sí Isa?"

"..nothing" I just shrug and start eating my food. After a bit I realise I'm eating to fast and start slowing down.

After breakfast I start doing the dishes and feel my stomach growl at me. Ofcourse, can't even last without extras. I get startled at this thought and think if was me or not thinking that. I don't think so lowely about myself normally. Whats wrong with me??

~Months later because this is a oneshot~

Delores pov
I started noticing my Hermanito Camilo not eating as much as usual about a week ago and its starting to worry me. He's skipping meals, not taking seconds, not even a snack! I decide to talk to my tía about this.

"Tía Julieta?"

"Yes Sobrina?"

"Have you noticed Camilo..not eating?" She thinks, and then frowns.

"Sí, sí I have. Do you know why?" I shake my head for a no and this only makes her frown deepen.

"I haven't heard him talking about it" I say while sighing and she looks down for a moment.

"Could you try talking to him?" Tía recommends and I look down for a moment before looking back at her with determinated eyes



Camilo pov
I look at my bathroom mirror, deep in thought. I've been skipping meals, not taking extras or snacks, and when I do eat its barely anything. But its still not good enough. Im so close to what I want! I just need to do this for a little longer!

I stare at my ribs and see some sticking out like a sore thumb. I know this isn't healthy, but I'm so close to being like the others! A good wieght..

A door opens behind me.


I quickly turn around and see Delores. Her eyes widen and I try to run to grab my shirt. She runs to me. I flinch once she raises her arms, expecting her to get mad and hit me. I mean, why wouldn't she?? Her little brother is so fat. Even after skipping meals.

She then hugs me.

What? Why did she hug me?

I stop moving and look at my hermana. She's crying?? No, I didn't mean to make her cry! Was it my fault? Of course it was my fault! I must be too fat. Don't worry Delores, Im close to a good wieght. Unless my good isn't good enou-

"Why?" She chokes out "why haven't you been eating? Its not good for you Camilo!" My thoughts stop. What? Is this too skinny? What? I thought this was good! No no no no. This isn't good.

She asked why? It started cause I thought I was to fat compared to the people that I could shapeshift into. Then it slowly became more of a habit. Then I came back to not being good enough. Im not entirely sure..

"I-I don't know..its nothing hermana. Im okay" she let go of the hug to look at me in my eyes.

"You don't know?? Its nothing??? Your 'okay'?? Hermanito! Look at yourself! You look like a skeleton...why would you do this??"

"Becuase..because Im not good enough! Everyone else is so perfect! I can tell the weight difference between me and everyone I shapeshift into!"

"Camilo..your skin and bones and haven't been eating much at all.. This isn't healthy.. Your not fat, your perfect.." I tear up at this and start crying into Delores' shoulder.

Thank you for reading!
I might do more whenever I feel like it.
I just felt like there wasn't enough of these

976 words

Camilo Angst OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now