Boy or Girl? pt 2

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Tw: Body dysmorphia, Genderfluid Camilo, Bruno and Camilo FLUFF

Takes place after the movie ✨✨

Bruno pov
After helping Julieta with dinner, I ask Maribel to call everyone down to eat. She nods and runs off. I grab my plate and sit down, now waiting on my familia. Once everyone sits down, I see Camilo in a skirt. It surprises me for a second before I smile.

"I like your skirt," I whisper to him, getting an embaressed look (⚠️🚫ONCE AGAIN, THIS IS NOT A SHIP. I REPEAT NOT A SHIP. WE ARE NOT SHIPPING 50 YEAR OLD TÍO BRUNO WITH 15 YEAR OLD SOBRINO CAMILO🚫⚠)

"Thank you tío," he replies. We then go back to eating our food.

"Camilo Madrigal." A voice a little further back from the table says. Camilo chokes on his food for a second, shapeshifting to his abuela, Pepa, and back to himself as he tries to cough it out. After he's done, he looks at my mamà and his abuela.

"Ehm, sí?" I don't notice, but everyone at the table is looking at the two that are talking. All I notice is Camilo's confused and uncomfortable face.

"Why are you in a skirt? You are a boy, aren't you??" Mamà says, her voice getting irritated.

"I uh, just felt like trying it on," my sobrino says, now looking directly into his abuela's eyes.

"Why." Her voice booms.

"I..uh.." He pauses "I don't know, just felt like it I guess," he shrugs

"Then change back to normal" she glares daggers at him, but he doesn't seem to notice

"But we are eating..?"

"Shapeshift then." Mamà is getting more and more annoted by the second.

"Thats..not how it works.." I get confused. Is that not how it works? Hm, his gift must work differently then I thought then.

"Did you just talk back to me??" I look at my mamà, that wasn't talking back. Camilo probably just wants to eat, whats the problem with wearing a skirt..?

"W-what? No! I was just-" She inturupts him and starts yelling. Delores covering her ears from the impact.

"CAMILO. GO TO YOUR ROOM AND CHANGE BACK TO NORMAL." She slams her hand on the table and stands up "YOU ARE A BOY, YOU WERE A BOY, AND ALWAYS WILL BE!! AND BOYS DON'T WEAR SKIRTS!! Go to your room."

"but..-" his voice shakes

"NOW." She points to his room. He stands up hands still on the table. His head drops a little as he closes his eyes tight. I see a tear fall from his face and notice an already grown cloud starting to thunder. Camilo doesn't seem to notice. He walks up the stairs and as soon as Pepa gets to her sences she starts yelling at mamà

"MAMÀ! ITS ONLY A SKIRT! LET CAMILO WEAR WHAT HE WANTS," I look at mamàs face and its filled with more anger. As she opens her mouth, Delores says something.

"It hurts.." She whispers. Mamà and Pepa apologize to her and mamà sits back down. "Hm!" Delores hums in surprise. Apparently no one notices except me and I look at her with concern.

"Sobrina, are you okay?" She nods

"Its Camilo, he's crying.." She says. I couldn't blame him, it was only a skirt. He didn't deserve to be yelled at.

After dinner I walk by Camilos room and hear light crying. I open the door and see Camilo sleeping, no longer in a skirt. Tears all over his blankets and sheets.

I sit on his bed and hug him. He calms down almost immediately. (no friggen shipping them together!! This js fluff, not a ship!!!!!)

"Tío..?" He asks in a tired voice, now sitting up. I let him go as he does so.

"Yea Sobrino?"

"Should you agree with abuela? Should I not wear a skirt cause Im a...boy?" I look at him in the eyes and shake my head.

"Of course not, you can wear whatever you want, clothes don't have gender."

"What if I told you that...I didn't feel like a boy..?" I smile at him

"Well, what do you feel like"

"I don't know..yesterday I was okay with being a boy, and today I hate it! I feel like doing my nails, and wearing a dress, and..." He looks down at his hands, "sorry.." My smile faulters a bit at his apology.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask him

"I was born a boy, I should stay one..right?" My smile returns

"Of course not. You can be whatever you want! I think what your dealing with is called genderfluid. It means that you feel like a boy sometimes, a girl other times, and every now and then you feel like niether or both," he smiles a little.

"That sounds..right,"

"What do you feel like right now, Camilo?" He stops smiling, looking at his twittling thumbs.

"A girl.."

"Ok then sobrina, don't worry about how others think about you. You will always be family and we will love you no matter what" I hug her softly once again and her smile returns.

"Thank you tío,"

"Of course sobrina, I will always be there for you. No matter what,"

And we are done!
Don't forget that you can always ask for a part two or three on any oneshot that I do!
I love making these!
I will try my hardest to post daily, but if I can't, then im sorry
Shoutouts to

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