Smiles and Frowns

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Tw: bad thoughts about oneself?

Takes place whenever. I haven't decided, I guess its up to you.

Camilo pov
I open my eyes after my restless night. Groaning, I check the time. Ughhhhhh. Its 6:30 am and I need to head to breakfast soon. I stare at my cieling for quite a while, wondering what would happen if I stayed in bed all day.

Shoving the thought to the back of my mind, I sit up. I walk to my bathroom and change before walking to my rooms door. Before even touching the handle, I take a deep breath in. I then let it out as I touch the knob. I smile while turning it, and opening the door.

I walk my way into the kitchen with my plate of food, a casual smirk plastered on my face.

"Hola Mirabel, Delores, Luisa" I said

Should of have smiled bigger. I smile bigger now

"Hola Camilo"


"Hello hermanito" my smile widens (if thats even possible) and I start up a conversation about yesterday.

'Why did you say that?' 'They hate you now.' 'Talk louder.' 'Talk quieter.' 'Don't be so anoying.' 'Pitch in your own voice and show that you care.' 'Your eating to fast.' 'Your eating to slow.' 'You ate too much.' 'You didn't eat enough!' I think to myself in a 3rd person voice. In order to keep my familia happy, I need to do things right.

I laugh at a joke Mirabel said and try to ignore the thoughts that are stressing me outand making me want to cry. I close my eyes and imagine for a spit second, that I am lashing out. It calms me to even think about letting my true feelings out. I blink again and imagine flipping the table.

In order to hide my feelings I just shapeshift into Isabella and mimick her.

"iM iSaBeLlA, aNd I mUsT bE sEñoRiTa PeRfEcTa!" I then say, causing the three right by me to laugh. I laugh with them. And when closing my eyes I imagine crying right then and there. 'Do it. I bet they wouldn't care'

~After breakfast~
The whole day I had been critiquing my every move. When I shapeshift I think of everything I could have done better. But only cover it with a joke or a laugh.

Every time someone told me that they needed someone else instead of me, I felt a chip off of my heart, a ping to my chest. I only shapeshifted to the person with a slight laugh or joke.

During lunch I continue my normal routine of trying to "take extras" when I was only trying to make them laugh. I don't want to eat anything, but anything for them to be happy.

Once I finished with my chores, around 5 familys, each with 3 kids walk up to me. I smile at them and ask how I can help.

"Can you watch our children until we get back?" One of the mothers ask

"Sure!" I say while smiling.

"After eating dinner, we need you to watch them please" another parent says. I nod and head to Casita to eat dinner.

After dinner, Camilo headed to the house that the familys asked Camilo to babysit at. The children were there, but no parents.

"Oooo aren't you Camilo!? The shapeshift gift person!!" One of the kids say. I laugh and nod

"EEEEE DO ME, DO ME!!" One of the boys say. I shapeshift into him and all of them go wild.

I shapeshifted for hours. Glad that it was bedtime for them at 9:00pm, I tucked them in. I sang each a song and waited for the parents to get back home. I waited, and waited, and waited, until it was 3am and then a door opened and I saw the 10 parents file in.

"We're sorry that we came back late" one whispered

"Sí, thank you so much for keeping an eye on them Camilo" another whispered to me.

"Of course! Anyday!" I whisper-yelled back. "I do need to get back home though, I will see you all tomorrow"


~once reaching his room~
Its currently 4am. I couldn't sleep. I really wanted to tell someone, anyone about how I truly felt. But remembered what had happened last time.

Abuela had told 7 year old Camilo to suck it up. That he was a boy, and that he was exaggerating. 7 year old Camilo had just told his Abuela that he hated his gift because he couldn't control it and he felt sick after shifting. He only got a glare from Abuela for the rest of the week.

This is when I learned to never talk about my own problems ever again. Not to anyone, or anything.

I change into my night clothes after taking a shower and brushing my teeth. I then look at the time to see 5:30am. I sigh and lay down on my bed. Thinking about my day, I cry. I cry about how I can never be myself, I cry about how everyone maneges to minipulate me, I cry about how no one cares about me, I cry about how I look, and how I act. I cry until 6:15, when I had finally cried myself to sleep.

I had to wake up only 15 minutes later.
But thats okay.
Im used to it now.

This one was shorter then the others
By about 50 words-
I really liked making this one!
Hope you enjoy!
P.s. thank you ahorrorifixwriter for this amazing idea!!

931 words

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