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Tw: Smoking

Takes place before the movie.

Camilo pov
I lean my head against the wall, puffing on the cigarette in between my fingers. I look at the tree in front of me. I have to smoke in the forest, or they'll know. I can't have them knowing my addiction. Mi familia is stressed enough, I don't want to add to that.

"I might need a second one.." I whisper as the last bit of my cigarette goes out. I grab another one and my lighter. I put it in my mouth as I light it. Once its lit I take a breath in, hold it, and let it out. The smoke leaves my mouth and I go to take another puff before I hear a voice.

"Uh...hello..?" I hear my sister call "I know there's someone here, I heard your lighter. This has been happening for a year now, I think its about time you get some help, sir." I internally panic as I take the cigarette out of my mouth. I go and rub the tip of it on the ground before running off.

Close one.

The next day, because...plot.

I walk to my smoking spot, expecting no one there. While walking, I open the box of cigarettes. I pick one out and grab my lighter. I light my cigarette and put it in my mouth. I feel a great releif from the smoke. It feels amazing. I walk while looking on the floor before going past a line of trees. I glance up, expecting to see my normal smoking spot. Only to see mi familia. Fuuuuuuu-

Rewind to yesterday into Isabella pov

I relax on the couch at 7pm, mi familia sitting on nearby couches. I honestly hate this dress, but whatever.

"Hey gurls," Delores says. "Sooo, I've been hearing someone smoke in the forest, and I think I might need help trying to help him tomorrow." She tells me and our familia softly.

"Sure! We will always be open to helping to village!" Abuela smiles at Delores. "What time?"

"He normally starts right after dinner. Around 7:00 pm," She whispers softly.

Omg so much time skipping. Its the next day at 6:45pm now.

Abuela, Tía Pepa, mama, y mis hermanos follow Delores to a spot in the forest. It has a small spot of water and very bright green grass. Trees litter the area, but it surrounds the area as if there is a force field around it. I see why this man smokes here.

"Now we wait." Abuela says

"Tell me more about this man," I say

"Well, he's been doing this for a year now. Yesterday I tried confronting him, but he ran off before I could see him. From the sound of his breathing and his running, he might be 15 or 16." She says.

"Oh goodness. I couldn't imagine if one of mis hijos started smoking" Tía Pepa says.

"Yea, if one of mis babys started smoking, I would be so hurt. I would not even know how to react" Mama says dramatically.

"Shhh, I hear him walking towards us." Delores whispers. We shush and look around the area. Soon enough I see a glare of yellow and then someone steps out of the barrier of trees. We all look at him. He looks a lot Cami...? The kid looks at us and I see Camilo staring at us with widened eyes and a cigarette in his mouth.

"Camilo..?" Tía Pepa whispers.

"Oh. My. God-" He whispers


Dropping his cigarette and turning into José, Camilo runs away.

"CAMILO!" Mira yells while Luisa runs toward him. I use a vine to trip him and when I do, he changes into me. He jumps up before Luisa grabs him.

"Let me go!" He screams "Leave me alone! I didn't want you guys to see!" I see him shut his eyes tight, tears falling, while all of us go up to him. Rain pours on all of us.

"Mijo...why do you smoke?"

"I just- I don't like the stress, okay? Now let me go!" Luisa's grip loosens and Cami takes that to his advantage. He runs off in the direction of the village.

"Welp, we screwed that up." Mira says

"Well, you don't say." I glare at her stupidity

I did itttt!
I really hope you liked it
If you want more, just tell me :]
The idea came from
Thank you so much for reading!


752 words

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