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Tw: Blood, Self Harm,

Takes place after the movie 👌

Camilo pov
I sit down on my bed and grab out my shard of mirror. I stare at it for a second before rolling down my sleves. Old scars from years before, until fresh scars from yesterday are on my wrist. I hold the shard onto my arm and put pressure into it. Blood goes down the sides of my wrist. I do it multiple times before hearing someone say my name behind my door.

"Camilo!! Dinner!" Antonio calls for me. My heart stops, realizing that I won't be able to wrap my arm in time.

"Okay! Be down in a minute!" I quickly put the mirror shard on my bed and clean up the blood, not listening for a response. I then roll up my sleves and go to my door. I take a deep breath in before opening my door and exiting my room.

I walk to the stairs and walk down them, turning to the kitchen to grab food. I grab my food, and some extras. I then sit in my spot between mamá and Tío Bruno. Across from me is Antonino and beside him are papa and Isabella.

"Hi Antonino!" I smile at my Hermanito and he smiles back

"Hola Hermano!" I start to scarf down my food, listening to nearby conversations. After I get around half way through my plate Antonino looks at me with a curious look. He squints his eyes and I look around me, confused. Then I realize that he's looking at my arms.

Oh no.

Before I can say anything Antonio talks.

"Whats that on your arms, Camilo?" Antonio says, making the surrounding people look at me. Their eyes burning into my skin. Please stop..

"Cami?! Why do you have BLOOD in your sleve??" Idk who said that, but I hate you. Everyone stares at my arms and then all hell breaks loose.

Mamá has a dark cloud over her head and it starts raining, messing up her beautiful hair and makeup.






I stare at my family in frount of me and panic.

"I-its nothing! I swear, its fine!!" I say as I stand up from my seat. This doesn't help at all.

"NOTHING?? CAMILO, THERES BLOOD ON YOUR SLEEVES" I gulp and start to walk backwards. Please stop yelling..

Maribel pov
WHATS GOING ON?? WHY DOES CAMILO HAVE BLOOD IN HIM?? I take in a deep breath and notice how much everyones yelling. Poor Delores has disappeared to her room. I look at Camilo to see him backing away and hyperventilating.

He starts shifting into Tía Pepa, then Tío Felix, then Antonio, and then Abuela, each shift getting less time before shifting again. After a bit he's just a blur of shifts. But even through this you can still tell that he is hyperventilating.

"Camilo calm down and-" I start. But then he shifts into Luisa and runs to his room. "CAMILO"

I run after him with my Tío, Tía, mamá, and Abuela. We run to his room only to hear sobs on the other side. My heart stops at the sound before racing as I pound on the door.

"G-go away, please" We hear a squeeky, scratched up voice. I look at Luisa and she nods. She breaks down the door and immediately are met with a dark room filled with distorted, broken, and scrached mirrors. I don't even take notice in this, only looking for my cousin.

"Camilo!" I hear Abuela behind me gasp. We look at her before looking at where she's looking. I see Camilo curled up in a ball with something shining at us in his bed while we see Camilo struging to stay as himself while puting on a new shirt.

Camilo turns around and greets us with red, tear-streaked eyes. My eyes widen at the sight and I notice the cuts on his arms. I take a sharp inhale in before running to him and huging him. He only cries more.

"Cami.." I say while holding his shoulders. "Why would you do this to yourself" He shifts rapidly once again while breathing even faster.

"Mijo, calm down" Tía Pepa says now beside me, huging her son. He slowely stops shifting, before landing on himself again.

"Im sorry.." He whispers. Me and Tía look at each other for a moment before looking back at him.

"Why are you sorry, Camilo?" Mamá says, slouched down to his level behind me.

"I di-didn't want to cause a scene and inturupt dinner.." He hicups and looks up at us. I shake my head and Tía Pepa grabs Camilos face, water getting all over the four of us.

"Camilo..its okay! We just want to know why you would do...this.." Tío says, Tía starts to thunder.

"If you promise to stay calm.." Tía smiles at Cami and nods her head. The thunder now starting to disappear.

"Of course, mi babé" She whispers before kissing his cheek. He looks shocked for a moment before smiling. He breathes in and then out before speaking.

"I started doing it..well..because of Abuela.." This gains a collective of gasps. "She said..somethings..that really hurt me and I couldn't handle it. After a while my chores started to pile up, and people starred ignoring me...It felt like a stab to my heart..and the only way I knew how to cope, was" He held his arms out "this..."

Tía hugs Camilo, and I join her. Soon enough everyone in the room was joining the hug. The room glows a bit brighter and I smile. We will make sure he never feels like this again.. I promise.

There we go!
I finally finished ^^
I hope you enjoyed! This took some time!

989 words

Camilo Angst OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now