Is any of this real..?

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Tw: hallucinations, not eating, insanity

Takes place whenever

Camilo pov
"Hey Camilo, remember when we first met?" Carlos asks. His dark brown curls bouncing as he turns his head to look at me. He leans forward to see my face as he asks this question. His elbows now resting on his knees. I barely see his Hazel brown eyes as I sit in front of the wooden barrier for the garden. Carlos sits on top of it. Not caring about what the villager that owns it would think.

"Of course I do! You were the only person that showed to one of my plays. I invited almost the entire village, but no one showed.." I state

"Uhh, except for me! I was there. Don't go around saying no one was." He laughed roughly patting my back which at first makes me lean forward at the force but then laugh a little with him

"Yeah, of course. You were there. I think it was my 3rd time doing a rerun of my original plays. 'Peter the Cheater'" I say, turning my head to the boy in the red poncho.

"One of my favorites." He looks into the sky, recalling the memories. "It was a little before Casita fell, right?"

"Yeah, I think it was a couple minth prior. You showed up and at the end of the show I gave you a big hug. You called the hug gross, but I know what you really meant." I smile

"Disgusting," he says bluntly.

"Glorious, " I giggle.


"Anyways! Why do you ask?" I say, finally turning to look at him.

"I was just thinking..what if I hadn't shown up?" He asks, an awkward silence starts to brew between us.

"..I probably would have done something stupid.." I whisper.

"What?" He says, sitting up straight.

"Nothing, it doesn't m- Hey look!! Its the twins!" I frantically change the subject.

"Wh- ohh. Jeffrey and Jessica." His expression changes to a tad of annoyance. He must have wanted me to tell him what I meant but, I don't wanna! Soooo.

"Hey Jeff, Jess! Over here!!" I yell, gaining a glance from a couple nearby villagers. Some filled with slight worry but most filled with annoyance. I frown before Carlos whispers a small 'stupid villagers, they overwork themselves and then get angry at us for it.' I let out a small breath that mimics a small breath with a smirk.

When I yell, the twins look in the direction of my voice. Jeff see's me and a ginormous smile concurs his face. Jeff pulls Jessicas arm whilst sprinting to me. Jessica rolls her eyes but gives a small smile at her brothers antics.

"Cami, Car!! Hey!" He booms when he reaches me. His light brown hair looking the same as usual. His locks combed out so he only has small waves. His light skin glistening like glitter. The small dot of a nose on his face scrunched up a small bit. The green eyes resting on his face twinkling with excitement.

"Heya! You do realize how late you are, right?" He looks at Jess who gives him a face. She looks much like her brother. Though her hair is a shade darker and she doesn't comb her locks out like her brother does. Her nose is also bigger. It bumps up in the middle, which is why Jeff likes to call her a witch when they fight.

"Yeah, thats my fault," he drags his words with a little bit of shame.

"He was too focused on his hair the entire half hour that we could have been here." Jess announces with her hands on her hips.

"Well, it was a mess! It was like a horrible monster was taking a nap on my head!!" He exclaims. Sitting down with his hands up defensively. Jess sits next to him. We have a little semi circle going on. Me to the left of Carlos, who is to the left of Jess, and Jeff to the left of her. There is a small gap to be filled in for our final friend, who should have been here first. Since his house is literally just down the street. But I guess it makes sence that Car and me got here first since I get up the earliest to get chores done. Car just tends to follow me around like golden retriever puppy.

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