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Tw:none, just a butt load of fluff instead of angst for a change

Thank you p3n7i_69 for letting me use this idea!! Go check their books out right now! They are so good!! <3

Takes place after the movie

Camilo pov
"CAMILOOOOO WE ARE EATING BREAKFAST OUTSIDE TODAYYY!!" I hear Mirabel say outside my door. "Oh, sorry Delores," she says after a moment

Wow, I must have stayed up all night again. I thought it was only midnight. Huh. After getting changed I walk outside my door. I feel a wave of tiredness wash over me. My vision is filled with black dots, all I can hear is a loud ringing, my whole body feels like it's getting prickled all over, and my head feels too light for my body.

"Uhhh, Camilo? Are you okay?" I hear tío Bruno say from beside me. I look up way to quickly and I start to get a headache. The black dots still clouding my vision and I can't even see my tío that's right in front of me.

"Y-" I notice my voice being scratchy and filled with gunk in my throat. I cough it out before trying to respond again, "Yeah, I'm good," he doesn't seem to believe me. He opens his mouth to talk only to be inturupted by Mirabel.

"Come on you guys! Last one outside is a rotten egg!!" This starts a race between Delores and Mirabel. I go to start running with them, but my body is too tired to go that fast. I hold my breath and continue going so I don't worry tío Bruno. My eyes felt extra dry so I divide to blink it away.

Once I get there I am so out of breath that I'm practically wheezing.

"You good?" Delores asks, now in front of me. "That wasn't much of a long run.." I laugh nervously

"Yea, I'm okay," my throat feels chained up and it get worse as I talk. I feel a yawn cone up and I let it go as I walk past Delores.

"Now that everyone is here, I would like to announce that we are having a picnic for lunch!" This gains a collective of cheers. I would normally cheer too but I know that that wouldn't end up badly so I just smile at abuela. "So after you are done eating, be sure to pack and get ready for it," she smiles.

After eating breakfast I feel a little better. My headache went away and my throat doesn't hurt as much anymore. I walk to my room only to be stopped by Luisa.

"Hey Camilo! Wait up!" She yells


"A-are you okay? You didn't eat much at breakfast, and you didn't seem very excited about eating on the mountain. Normally you'd be the most excited!" She says, now looking worried

"Yea, I'm okay," I laugh at the irony of 3 people noticing that I'm acting different. Which my eyes fill with dots again because of the movement. I try to act as if nothing is happening, even if I just shape shifted into her on accident because of the dots. "Just tired"

"U-uh okay..if you say so. Just know that I'm here if you need it, okay?"


Once I'm done packing and the black dots go away, I notice that everyone has been waiting on me.

"Sorry about the long wait guys"

"It's okay! Let's gooo" Mirabel says, running with Antonio through the village.

"Mirabel! Don't go too far ahead!! Stay with us!" The Julieta says, holding some of the food we are going to eat for lunch with Luisa beside her holding the rest.

I laugh slightly and hold my head. My headache was back. Tío notices and I stop, I don't want him to get worried over something little.

"When will we get thereeee" Isabella asks, annoyed that we have been walking for the past 15 minutes.

"It hasn't even been that long Isa," Mamà laughs.

"Hey kid, are you good? Your pretty far behind- and..your shaking..?" I then realise that I'm shaking really hard. I have no idea why, does it have something to do with how much I've slept? It's a nice day, so it can't be because its cold outside.

"U-uh yea, just a little tired-" Tío Bruno then picks me up onto his back.

"Say no more, take a nap while I bring us there, okay?" He says, I nod and close my eyes. I try to stop shaking and after around a minute or two I manage to stop. I then start to dose off and eventually fall asleep

Bruno pov
I run up to the rest of the family, Camilo finally stopped shaking on my back. I'm pretty sure they fell asleep.

"Oh hey Bru- AWWWWWWW" My mamà says.

"Is that Camilo?" I nod my head at my hermana Pepa. "That. Is. So. CUTEEEE" she squeals, a rainbow over her head. Camilo stirs in their sleep before stopping again. I laugh.

Later in the walk, I wind up in the back again. Delores pops up. She scares me, but I don't jump so I don't wake up Camilo.

"Are they asleep?" She whispers.

"Yea, they are," I whisper back.

"Good, they haven't fallen asleep in days. It keeps me up just to hear their blinking sometimes." I get slightly surprised that neither one of the kids have told me that Camilo hasn't slept well in the past couple days. He should've told me so I could try and help. At least he's sleeping now though!

"We're hereeee" Agustin says, far ahead of me. Once I catch up, I slowly let Camilo down by a tree and help set up.

Camilo pov
I open my eyes to the sound of my papa talking.

"Me hijo, wake up, it's time to eat." He whispers.

"Im awake," I yawn while he laughs

"Suree," he stands up and holds a hand out for me. I grab it and get up.

Today was a decent day, if you ignore the headache👍

And then an asteroid came and they all died
Or am I?
Jk jk
Sorry for the late update again
That's it! Thank you all for reading!!

1074 words

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