Notes pt 2

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Tw: Anxiety attack, mentions of su1c1d3, sh, and violation of friggen P R I V A C Y

Takes place after the movie

Delores pov
As I walk up the steps I look towards Camilos door. He must be tired. He stayed up really late writing, for some reason. I walk to his door and open it. I look for Camilos bed but only see his desk on the left side if his room. I go to the desk, seeing a bunch of papers.

I pick up the papers and read the first one.

"Dear Abuela,
You and I haven't been close, especially recently. You have been pretty annoyed and I overheard what you said. I get it, I am pretty useless. You won't have to deal with me anymore though.. Goodbye Abuela.

-Camilo Madrigal"

My eyes widen at the paper. I grab them all and completely forget about waking up Camilo for breakfast.

I run to the nearest table ending uo to be the dinner table. Setting the papers down, I scan them. I see a whole lot if similarities. I realise that these are suicide notes, before finding mine.

"Dear Delores,
I bet your going to be the one to find me. Your most likely going to hear it and walk in, only to find me. Im sorry if thats what happened. Im sorry that you have to hear and see that. I wish I would be there to comfort you, but im not. I hope you understand that this is not your fault. I love you hermana.. Goodbye.

-Camilo Madrigal"

I let out a wimper and run to Camilos room again.

"Camilo!" I hear a voice say as I leave the dinnjng room. I flinch and end up in Camilos room. I quickly find Cami's bed, on the opposite side of where his desk is.

I run to him and hug him tightly. He wakes up from the sudden touch, but leans into it eventually. I just hug him tighter. I try to ignore the sounds of people reading their notes under their breath and the quiet cries, but then it got to the point where people were yelling at eachother.

"Cami, they're fighting, I'll be right back.." He just nods and lays back down. I sprint outside of the door and quickly yell what happened to them

"Oh thank goodness..he isn't..." Mamà says, with a cloud hanging over her head, thundering down onto her poor hair. I nod and go back to Camilos room. I overhear quiet sobs starting to appear inside of his room. I open the door and the crying stops. I realise that the room changed again. Now having just his bed and a single mirror hanging on the wall. I go to hug Camilo.

"Camilo..are you okay?" I ask, now on my knees with him on the bed. He nods again "Camilo, why would you write those notes?" He just sighs.

"Because.." He looks up and I let him go. Im still holding his shoulders and looking unti his eyes when he says, "I was saveing them..for later.." My eyes water. I couldn't believe it

" were actually going it..?" I say, my voice getting high at the last word.

"Yea" I go back in for a hug and he cries in my shoulder. I see most of the family in Cami's room which he doesn't seem to notice. I look at my Tía and Tío Agustin. They look at eachother before Tía Julieta speaks

"Come on Antonio, Luisa, Mirabel, and Agustin. Lets eat breakfast" she smiles. Knowing that the kids she mentioned would be the most effected. Everyone mentioned, except for Mirabel, leaves. Mirabel shakes her head.

"I want to help...please mamí.." She whispers. Tía sighs.

"You can't help everyone Mira.." Mirabel looks down on the floor before walking out. Tía looks at me before leaving.

Now its only mamà, papa, me, and Camilo.

"Hijo..why? Why would you think.." She trails off

"Im sorry..." Mamàs cloud darkens

"Theres no need to apologize mi hijo.." She whispers. Papa hugs mamà and whispers something too her. Mamà nods and walks to Cami and me. She kneels to our level. The bed now gone from the shapeshifting room. Mamà hugs both of us and starts sobing. Her cloud raining down on us. Camilo looks guilty before hugging both me and mamà back.

"Come on papa, I know you want too" I say to my papa. He smiles and goes to us. Now in the group hug. I laugh at the awkward position and situation. Getting a smile from Camilo. I smile back at him. I won't let him feel like this ever again. My poor hermanito...

This was cringe, and short
But I needed something.
Here are the shoutouts :)
Hope you enjoyed!
Have a nice day/night/week/month/year/life!!

833 words

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