Is this me?

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Tw: Comment on this if you find anything triggering.

Takes place after the movie

Camilo pov
     Even though abuela has gotten better, she's still not perfect. She has tried her hardest to be a better person. Even with all her work, she doesn't realize that I need a break. I've been shapeshifting all day. A couple side effects of shifting is:

     1. It takes carbohydrates and iron from the food I had previously eaten to shift my atoms around and change my genes. This makes me very hungry all day.
     2. Shifting takes iron. Iron is used to create homogoblin, a protein in red blood cells. Without the iron in my blood, I get dizzy extremely easily.
     3. With the lack of carbohydrates my body is unable to use a proficient source of energy. This makes me tired all day.

Being hungry, dizzy, and tired, I think that gives me a reason to be cranky and confused. Plus, it was a very busy day today.

I had shifted hundreds of times throughout the day, not being able to eat much or steal seconds. My family has gotten stricter on that, worried about my weight.

I open the door to my room, it currently shifted into a room with a bunch of mirrors. This is what it turns into when I am stressed, or insecure. I look at one of the mirrors, using up most of the rest of my energy to shift back into myself. I forget to close my eyes so I can't tell which parts of me actually shift. Aren't my eyes Hazel and not green? I try to fix it, closing my eyes this time.

"Wait..what if this means.." I speak my thoughts aloud. "Do I always accidentally change my appearance?"

I look in great detail at my face.

It was rounder, wasn't it?
I shift.

My lips were thinner, weren't they?
I shift.

My nose was smaller, wasn't it?
I shift.

My hair was curlier, wasn't it?
I shift.

I was taller, wasn't I?
I shift.

My ears were covered by my long hair, weren't they?
I shift.

My skin tone lighter, wasn't it?
I shift.

No, my hair still looks wrong. Maybe it was a little shorter.
I shift.

My eyes were darker, not hazel.
I shift.

I continue shifting over, and over, and over. I shift so much I start getting even more dizzy. Black dots cover my vision. I hyperventilate. I don't even remember what I look like! I try to shift some more but it causes a very sharp headache. A stabbing pain hits my nose, which I tried to shift. I try again, which makes to pain even worse. I fall to the ground in pain.

"I need to shift back!!" I whisper yell. Is this how I look??

"I need to shift back, I need to shift to me. What do I look like??" I mutter. I continue trying to figure out whats wrong with me. I sweat from the pain and hyperventilating. It hurts. I can barely breathe! I need to shift back though.

"Help me," I whisper cry.

Bruno pov
God I am so hungy. Time for my old sneaky skills. Hehehe. I stand up out of my bed and walk out into the hall. I walk by some of mí sobrinos rooms. Not expecing any sound. Especially from Delores' room. Its sound proof. I still try to be careful though. If I wake anyone up, I might get in trouble.

As I walk by Camilo's room, I hear a sob and a very large inhale. I turn to look at the door. I look around me a few times, listening in for more sound. I hear more crying and decide to help.

"Camilo..? Are you okay?" I whisper to the door after knocking. Its 2 in the morning, why's he crying? I hear some shuffling and then a failed attempt to stop the loud breathing, "Can I come in?" I ask. I hear no response. Then there's a sudden thump and worst-case-senarios overflow my thought process.

Out of pure impulse, I kick open the door. As soon as it slams open, I see a small figure of what I assume is Camilo. "Hey, hey, Cami. Are you alright?" I ask, going onto my knee's next to him. He nods quickly, his head burried in his knees, one hand grabbing onto his chest.

"Obviously." I bluntly state. "Look, Camilo. What's going on. Why do you look so different?" Apparently that wasn't the right thing to say, it makes it sob louder. His breathing quickens even more. I give him an awkward hug, "Cami, tell me whats going on. Try to breathe though." He looks up and takes a deep breath.

"B-Bruno. I don't remember what I look-" He cuts himself off with a sudden sob and a tear falls down his cheek. "What I look like-" he starts crying even more. I lift his face to look at me and wipe his cheeks from tears.

"Hey, it's okay. Why don't you try to just shift into how you want to look and stick with it?" Cami looks at me with a sort of disgusted look.  "Alright, I'm sorry" I say defensively.

"Because it's not what I actually look like. It's" He says, trying to wipe his tears. "Plus, when I shift.." He says, trying to shift his nose size. His hand covers it in pain. Blood ozes out and covers his hand. His other hand grabs his head.

"Oh, jeez-!" I say, picking him up. "Lets get you one of your tía's arepa's." He looks up at me with teary eyes. I run down the stairs and set him on the counter. I search the kitchen for food and find leftover arepa's from dinner today. He takes a nibble and he sighs in releif.

"Th-thank you.." He whispers. Now taking bigger bites. "Can I have more?" I laugh a little.

"Camilo, yoy know you're not supposed to eat too much." He gives me a disappointed look.

"Tío, no one listened to me, but.. the food is where I get the energy to shift. Without enough of it I get dizzy and tired. Plus, I shifted a whole bunch today." He says, making my eyes widen in realisation.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Here you go, Camilo," I hand him a few more arepa's and he takes it gladly, "If you want, I can talk to la familia about that." He nods a couple times and takes another bite. A huge smile takes hold of his face.

"Thank you tío, I feel much better now"

Hey gays!!
I feel like this one was short, but its probably cause the ending was rushed.
If you want, I can rewrite the ending gladly!
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Thank you!!


1147 words

Camilo Angst OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now