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Tw: Vampires, mentions of blood, gorry descriptions, cringe, fighting

Takes place after the movie ig?

Camilo pov
Like any other child in mi familia when they were five, I got a gift. Our gifts came from the candle, which came from our miracle. Like Mirabel, I was different from the rest of our family. She didn't get a gift, and I.. I had giant "disadvantage" that came with my gift. Sure, everyone had their disadvantage in la familia Madrigal. Like Delores' always hurting ears, and how mama couldn't always show her emotions, or how Isabella had to be perfect, and Luisa had to be strong, etc. But mine was a bit bigger... I had a great thirst for blood.

I figured this out the night I got my gift. I was so thirsty, I felt sick, and wasn't able to shift. I drank lots for a whole hour but nothing quite quenched my thirst. I felt an urge to drink something more... warm and metalic. The first person I drank from was a poor man from the village. I was walking through town trying to figure out what was wrong with me and saw a man fall and scrape his knee. I ran to help him and as I helped him up all I wanted to do was drink the dark red liquid.

I helped him to his house but half way there, I couldn't hold it back and pounced on him. The man was so confused at first, and I will never forget how scared he was. I hated doing it, but I felt less sick the more I drank. I had cried with him. When there was no more blood to drink I looked at his lifeless body, and started to panic. I ran away and cleaned myself up. I definitely wasn't tired that night.

The whole town blamed it on wolves, but I knew the truth. I felt so guilty, but didn't know what to do. The next night I was thirsty again, but desided to go for an animal that time. I killed 3 bunnies, and a deer. It hurt each time. On the third night I decided that instead of staying up all night killing, I'd save some up. I saved the blood from four deers in zip lock bags. I knew the deer blood didn't taste as good, but it was better then killing a human.

You may be wondering how I am now. That question has a simple answer: awful. I currently have run out of blood and I can't go and get more bc Mirabel managed to convince me into a sleepover last night. AND SHE DID NOT SLEEP-

"Camiiiiiiii, my favorite cousinnnnn! Come down to eat dinner please!" I hear Mirabel say happily from downstairs. Sighing, I get up from my bed. How am I going to last today with no blood?

"There he is! You have been in your room all day, what are you even doing up there?" Abuela jokes.

"Nothing much" I say, sitting in my spot with my plate of food.

"Are you okay, Camilo? Normally your more enthusiastic," Abuela states with a slight frown.

"Im alright, just hungry," I say smiling back to Abuela.

"Alright then, Camilo. Buen provecho, lets eat!" She announced. People went straight for their food, but I couldn't concentrate. I was looking at the rest of mi familia while they ate, convincing myself that I don't want to drink from them.

"Camilo, why are you staring at me-?" Mirabel asks after a few minutes of eating

"No reason!" I looked at my food and started eating. I slowly looked back up at the giftless girl next to me, hoping she wasn't looking at me anymore. She was. She gave me a disqusted, confused look.

"What? Why do you keep looking at me??"

"I didn't mean to, Mirabel. Its called zoning out."

"Why is it that you keep zoning out while looking at me." She glares.

"I said, I didn't mean to. Fuck off."

"Camilo! There are children here!!" Tia says while covering Antonios ears.

"Lo siento, tia Julieta. Mirabel, I told you that I didn't mean to, why are you so mad at me??"

"Because its wierd!!"

"Well sorry," I say sarcastically, "I didn't know I wasn't allowed to zone out." My thirst blends in with my anger while a little voice in my head tells me not to attack.

"No, you aren't allowed to be frigging creepy! Just stop staring!!" I take a breath in. 'Don't drink her blood, don't drink her blood, don't drink her blood-'

"I told you that I didn't mean to. Why don't we just leave eachother alone?"

'Don't drink her blood, don't drunk her blood, don't drink her blood, don't dri-'

"Fine then." She says before whispering, "acting like he's the fucking king of the house. Its not my fault that no one likes him."

'Nvm fuck her, I bet her blood tastes good.' That is my last thought before I pounce at her and bite her neck. Ignoring everything around me as I drink from her neck. Relief flows through me as I shapeshift into Mira. Soon enough I get pulled off of her by Papa and Tio Agustin.

"CAMILO?? WHAT WAS THAT???" Mama screams. I breath heavily before I realize what I did. My eyes widen at the sight of blood splattering all over the walls and floor. The table cloth has blood stains on it with Mira on the floor. Mira looks as pale as milk. One would think she was dead if it wasn't for the raising and sinking of her chest. Rain is pouring inside and outside of la casita.

"I-.." I choke on a sob. Now they know..

"She lost a lot of blood, SOMEONE AND ME AN AREPA!!" Tia says, her child passed out on her lap. A bite that looks like her skin ripped off  close to her. Luisa tosses her an Arepa and Tia feeds Mirabel the piece of food. While all this happens, Delores runs to her room in fear and pain.

"I didn't- I don't know what came over me! I just- I don't- I'm so sorry." Papa and tio let me go and I fall on my knees. The rain making hair fall on my face.

"YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER!" Tia says, after giving Mirabel to tio Bruno to put on the couch.

"I'm so sorry..." I look at Isabella who is looking away from me "Please, look at me...and know that I didn't mean to..."

"I get that she annoyed you, but she didn't deserve that! And why did you literally drink her blood???"

"I-its a long story..." Silence.

Time skip

I am not allowed to see anyone until Mirabel wakes up. Thats is the punishment I was givin by mama. Once she wakes up, I need to explain myself and apologize. What am I supposed to say?? 'Oh, yea Im basically a vampire lol' like- what??

"She's awake!" Antonio says. I sprint down the steps.

"You're alive! Thank goodness!!" I say, going to hug Mirabels now healthy looking body. Before I even get to wrap my arms completely around her, she pushes me away.

"Its you...leave me alone Camilo.."

"Im so so so sorry!" I cry

"I can't forgive you."

"Please..." I whisper, she only glares at me.

"You are a monster."



" not a monster..we are are family, your basically a sister to me!"

"Not anymore." I try to grab her hand but she flinches away "DONT TOUCH ME!" I sob again and hide my face.

" least explain why you..drank her blood..." Tio Bruno says, sitting down next to me. Both of us drenched in rainwater.

"....Its-...." I take a breath in. "Do you believe in vampires?"

Im doneeee!!
Two in one day, boo-yeah!!!
This idea was from
I hope you enjoyed reading this, it was a little different from my usual.
Thanks for reading!
Have a nice day/night!

1353 words

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