Chapter 1: Prologue + Ross and Osborn

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my plot.


-Four Months After Osborn's Arrest-

Norman stared up at the dark roof of his lab/cell at the raft until he heard guards coming up this cell block. He sat up in his bed in the corner of his lab/cell and watched as the guards came by. It was dark and after lights out time, so he wasn't surprised to see guards, but he was surprised to see that they were dragging someone, probably a new prisoner, into the cell directly across from him. The lights were still out, and it was dim in the hall-way so he couldn't identify who it was they were dragging. He heard them toss the person into the cell, arm the cell, and then he watched the guards leave. He couldn't see anything in the other cell because it was still lights out, but come morning time, when he could see who the new prisoner was, he would be livid.

Chapter One:

-1 week after Osborn's Arrest-

Thaddeus Ross approached Norman's cell, and judging by the look on his face, he was up to no good. Norman watched him silently and scowled at his presence. He had always hated that egotistical narcissist. Ross began to speak, and Norman reluctantly listened.

"Osborn, how nice to see you here. Well, since you are stuck here for a while, I need your help on a few projects. I noticed in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s records that you were working on two highly dangerous projects. Currently, it is just you and I speaking. I have all the surveillance for this hall at my fingertips because I have a proposition for you and currently only I can access the cameras and audio. I need you to work for me, and continue working on those serums. S.H.I.E.L.D. sealed all of the records that had your notes, but before they did that I was able to get copies of them without S.H.I.E.L.D.'s knowledge, and I need you to keep working. I especially need more of those enhanced tranquilizers. I also need you to work on something that could work on the Hulk. His enhancement is different from other enhanced persons, and his is more severe. I'll need you to continue making your 'Goblin' serum too. If I'm to continue with my projects I will need something like that that is temporary."

Norman scowled and replied "Why would I ever help you. It's not like I'm ever going to get out of here anyway, so why would I ever help someone I dislike more than I dislike the Avengers."

Ross smiled smugly and replied "Well, Norman, I'm glad you asked. If you do not do as I ask, let's just say, a certain teenager whom you care about will find themselves under my care, and I'm not a very pleasant person to see, especially in order to see me most of the time, you've got to be here on this Raft. If you want to keep your dear Peter safe, you'll do everything that I ask you to do, or else he will be the one to face the consequences."

Norman angrily yelled "You Maniac! I thought I was mad! You are worse! I accept your offer, but if you go near him, I will not hesitate to end you. I do not know how I would do it, but I guarantee that I will."

Ross smirked and calmly said "Fine, it's not like you will ever be getting that close to me anyway. You start work on these projects tomorrow. Remember, if you fail to do what is asked, Peter will be collateral damage."

Ross turned and left as Norman raged in his room. His task would not be easy, and it would benefit no one except for Ross. Norman was mostly happy that S.H.I.E.L.D. had not mentioned Spider-Man in the record against himself. They just detailed that he kidnapped Peter because he was obsessed with him. He can remember the serum from creating the Goblin, and he will do as Ross asks because he will do anything to keep his son Peter safe.

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