Chapter 24: Finding The Spider

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The team had been searching for Peter for nearly two months now. The poor kid had missed two months of his senior year. It's October now and they had not found anything about Peter's location ever since Norman broke them out of the Raft. Tony'd tried analyzing the video for clues, but that yielded nothing.

Thor had been visiting friends on Midgard while they continued their search. Thor had questioned Heimdall about the boy's location again, but nothing came of it. All Heimdall could tell them was that Peter was trapped in a large building with sealed windows. He could not tell exactly where the child was.

Ned, MJ, and Harry continued on with their schooling, but they were always worried. All three of them were still trying to do everything that they could to help find Peter, but they were not allowed to look at anything S.H.I.E.L.D. had recovered from the Raft. They were prevented from entering the Avengers Conference room. The Avengers were still working on the case, and the teens were kept informed, but they were no longer allowed to actually search or know the specifics of the recovered information.

Ned had enough of this. He became fed up that no one was letting him and his friends help look for Peter. Ned asked Harry if he and MJ could come over to the tower later. Harry immediately agreed. MJ readily came to the tower with Harry and Ned after school. Happy drove them there. Happy led them into the building after he parked and they quietly made their way to the penthouse.

Once they arrived there, Ned and MJ noticed that it appeared to be uninhabited except for Harry's presence. Tony had been working restlessly in his lab and with the Avengers to find Peter. Happy left them in the penthouse and went back down to security.

Ned waited until he was absolutely sure that Happy was gone before he proposed his plan.

"Okay, guys. I have another plan that may get us in even more trouble than when we hacked the A.I.. I think that if we ever want to actually figure out what went down on the Raft, we need to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s servers and get the information that way." Ned continued as Harry and MJ looked at him with wide eyes.

"Uh, Ned, I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Mr.Stark's A.I. is one thing, but hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D. is another. We could get into major trouble for that." MJ stated.

"Ned, I know that we want to find Peter, but should we risk it?" Harry questioned.

Ned determinedly said "Yes. I don't care if I get in trouble. I want to help find my best friend. They won't let us see anything, so I'll get the information myself. You two won't even be implicated in my actions. I'll act alone. I'll of course tell you what I find, but only I will be doing the illegal part. It's worth it if it can help find Peter."

The other two teens nodded their heads as Ned got his computer ready. Ned expertly hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s servers. He sifted through files until he found the ones he was looking for. He copied everything concerning the Raft escape to his computer and quickly logged off of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s servers. He knew that they would figure out that he infiltrated their servers eventually, but hoped that by that time, he would have more information to help get Peter back.

Ned pulled up the video of the escape. He watched as Norman broke out of his cell and into Peter's cell. He watched Norman strap a power dampening collar on Peter's neck. Ned paused the video at that point. He zoomed in on the collar. He had never seen one like that before.

Ned had been told about those collars by Peter after the first time Peter had been kidnapped. This one appeared to have more electronic controls. It didn't look like it had a keypad. Ned continued exploring the collar in the video as the three teens heard a commotion outside of the door.

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