Chapter 23: Escape Plans

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TW: Shock Collar usage

It's already been close to a month and Peter has come up with nothing in terms of a good escape plan. It also does not help that he has no access to technology. If he had access to technology, he could be out of here within minutes. The only 'technology' present are the keypads that go to the doors that lead outside. Peter was passed out when Norman used the code to get them in, and Norman has not used any codes on the doors ever since. Peter has tried to open the keypad casing, but without his powers, and without his tools, he cannot do it. He tried, but only ended up hurting his fingers. He was not even allowed to have metal utensils. All that was here was plastic utensils and plates.

The only thing that Peter is glad about is that he has plenty of clothing. Norman had gone into town without being noticed somehow and bought supplies while Peter was locked inside. That's when Peter had tried getting to the keypad and windows, but had no luck with them yet. Norman has a huge stash of cash hidden in a safe behind one of the bookshelves, and he took a whole bunch of it out to get supplies. Peter did not see the lock combination, but he had no cares about the money. Norman came back with clothing for Peter and many stove-top meals. Peter was glad to be out of the prison clothes, but furious that he was stuck with the psycho again.

Peter had nothing in here that could help him get into the keypad. He was also bored out of his mind. He liked to read, but not that much. There's only so long that you can read before your eyes go wonky. He continued to try and formulate escape plans though.

Norman checked on him constantly, and luckily has yet to use the shock collar. He always watched to make sure that Peter was eating. He made sure that Peter ate at least three times a day. He also kept giving him water bottles. Norman pretty much has an endless supply of bottled water and foods that can be heated up with a gas stove. Peter's not even allowed in the kitchen area because the stove could 'burn him'.

Peter knows that he is actually not allowed in the kitchen because there are things in there that he can use to try and escape. He has not yet tried to get in the kitchen, but he plans to try tonight when Norman falls asleep. In the meantime though, he lounges in the sitting room and reads again. Who knows, maybe something in one of these books can help him form an escape plan.

Norman came in a little later and sat another water bottle and a package of crackers on the table in front of Peter. Peter glanced at them, but he did not stop reading. Norman frowned when Peter did not acknowledge him or take the crackers.

"Peter, I need you to eat. If you do not eat, your blood sugar could get too low. Your enhancement may not be active right now, but it is still dangerous if you do not eat enough. I watch you eat to make sure that you are getting the proper amount of calories every day. You lost a lot of weight while we were trapped on the Raft, and we need to get you back to a healthy weight. You need to eat."

Peter ignored Norman.

"Alright, I really do not want to do this, but you need to eat and do as I say." Norman said as Peter finally looked up at him.

Norman got the remote of the collar out and pressed the shock button. A shock was sent through Peter's body. It was enough to make him yelp, but not curl up in pain. Norman's trying to train him like a freaking dog! Peter glared at him, but still did not take the crackers. Norman upped the voltage and shocked him again.

"Peter, if you do not do as I say right now, the next one will not be as nice! Now eat! You need the calories!"

Peter glared at Norman, but took the crackers off of the table and began to eat them. He hated that Norman had this power over him.

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